Thinking about reading The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life…

What if it DOES work out? by Susie Moore claims to help you “turn your passion into cash, make an impact and live the life you were born to.” Susie is very passionate about having a side hustle and in the beginning of the book explains how she went from being a Sales Director to a Life Coach. Over time her side hustle became her own business, but for a while she was life coaching on the side.
Susie states that “Pursuing your hustle will make you feel empowered and therefore more able to handle life’s inevitable challenges”. This really resonated with me because running PropelHer has really empowered me. It has given me another strand to my identity; a strand that I am proud of. She states that “You are not your job”, however, so many people do define themselves by their job. It is naturally because so often you are asked “What do you do?” And for most people work consumes more time in the week than anything else, even sleeping.
I really liked the idea that “We have to develop our own rules that we will adhere to. Rules that will give us wellbeing, happiness and success”. Part of creating those rules is having the strength to not conform with society and having a side hustle falls into that. Society expects you to work, watch tv, have a hobby or two, interact with friends, family or lover and that’s it. Having something you are passionate about building on the side is not the ‘norm’, but you need to do what makes you happy.
Susie explores the idea that finding the time will be difficult and you will have to get clever with how you use your time. This includes “commute wisely”, which I do. Every morning I dash to get a seat so I can read the latest book. She also recommends getting to know your flow and learning to say no. Saying no can be really difficult for some people, me included. I have massive FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) that I want to say YES to everything, but as Susie says “When you say no to what serves you, you say YES to yourself.” It is simply a question of priorities. How do you want to spend your time? Make that decision so then you will easily be able to say yes or no.
Susie includes a massive resources section towards the back of the book. The majority being websites, but she explores a wide range to help you start a variety of side hustles.
Overall, this book would be helpful for someone who wants to start a side hustle or for someone at an early stage in their business planning and/or personal development. Susie is open about how she built her business and how you can build yours too. The chapters are short, filled with lots of tips and hints (some Susie has used herself). There are also lots of interviews with other people who have turned their side hustle into a business. This didn’t work for me, especially at the end where there was a number of interviews back to back.
Although, the book is informative for me it bought little new insight. A number of sections were taken from articles Susie had previously written for blogs and websites. That combined with lots of small chapters, with interviews in between made it feel bitty.
To find out more about Susie check out her website.
What if It DOES work out? was published in July 2016. You can buy a copy of the book NOW on Amazon.