Thinking about reading The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life…
The Miracle Morning Revisited
2017 is here and I couldn’t be happier. After the madness of reading and blogging about a book every week for the last 6 months, I am delighted to be changing to a more relaxed schedule. My plan to blog once a fortnight and the focus is going to be on really APPLYING the new knowledge I’m gaining. This also means that some great books will be revisited.
The first book I decided to re-read was The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8AM by Hal Elrod. With a party filled December my morning routine had gone out of the window and there was no better time than a new year to get it back on track.
You can see my original blog about The Miracle Morning here.
In short, The Miracle Morning is a six-step process that Hal advices you work through every morning to transform your life.
Lots of highly successful people point out the importance of their morning and it was something I had always been keen to develop. Re-reading the book after having actually practiced The Miracle Morning I gained new insight.
What does an extraordinary life look like to you?
Hal believes that “There is nothing that says you have to settle for less than you truly want in any area, just because most people do… You can become one of the few people that actually achieve extraordinary success in EVERY area of your life, simultaneously. Happiness. Health. Money. Freedom. Success. You can really have it all”. But before you can life an extraordinary life you need to take time to really work out what that means to you. If you don’t you are liking to chase the conventional idea of an extraordinary life: money, travel, luxury house and cars, designer clothing and gorgeous other half. That is why so many become ‘successful’ but are still unhappy. They didn’t actually chase their dream life, but the one prescribed by society.
When visualising you need to not only concentrate on “what you really want” but also “who you need to be and what you need to do”
Once you have decided what your extraordinary life looks like visualising it is simple enough. However, that life isn’t going to just happen. You will need to take action and work at it. Taking that necessary action and getting the results you want may also mean you need to change. You might need to be disciplined, confident, develop a positive mindset, face your fears head on and stop caring what other people think.
3.To live your dream life you have to be consistent in moving yourself forward
Hal states that “Being extraordinary … is a result of choosing to learn, grow, and be a little bit better each day than you’ve been in the past”. The last year has truly been a transformational year and that’s because virtually everyday I committed to learning, exploring, experimenting, expanding my network and becoming better! We all have the power within us to turn our lives around and be one of the “lucky ones”. The question is are you willing to do the necessary work?
I read The Miracle Morning as part of PropelHer’s Book Club for Ambitious Women. We will be discussing the book on Monday 9th January 2017. For more information and to join PropelHer click here.
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