Want to know how to simplify your business for greater success? In an attempt to…
I often get asked about how I structure my week as a solopreneur so I thought I might as well write a blog post about it. For any business owner time is precious, but as a solopreneur who is juggling running all aspects of my business I think it is extra important to plan in advance what I’m doing on a daily and weekly basis to ensure I’m being as efficient as possible. Keep on reading to find out how I structure my week as a solopreneur.
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Why I decided to structure my week as a solopreneur?
If you are a solopreneur you might be thinking “Why would I structure my week?”. For many business owners one of the positives of being your own boss is to be able to do whatever you want whenever you want. However, when you work with clients you can easily realise your time is not your own and also it isn’t just about working with clients. There are so many other things that need to happen in order for your business to stay successfully operating.
When I first started my business it was a side-hustle. At the time I was working in marketing in London and with a demanding job and lengthy commute. It meant I was super organised about my business to work as efficiently as possible with the limited time I had. However, when I first went full-time with my business I couldn’t believe how much time I had and I opened up my diary for the whole week and would end up with higgledy-piggledy days where I was jumping between emails, social media, introduction calls, client calls, creating content and everything else. I quickly realised that if I didn’t get a hold of the situation I wouldn’t be as productive as I could be. So I decided to take control of my week again and put a structure in place.
If you watch my stories on Instagram (my handle is @charellegriffith) then you’ll know that Monday is the day I wash my hair! Mondays is about being in CEO mode and making content.
On a Monday morning I have a CEO session with myself. This is where I update my metrics and review how the last week has gone. I like to do this at the beginning of the week so that if I spot something (good or bad) I can use that information to inform my actions for the week. I might see that a particular social media post has performed well, the click-through rate on an email was awful or that traffic was down on my website. Checking these on a weekly basis means that I can respond quickly and adjust what I’m doing in my business accordingly.
I also will sit down and look at the financials. I review income and expenditure, send out invoices (if required) and check how on track I am with my monthly and quarterly financial goals.
The other main focus for Mondays is content. With my new fresh hair I like to do all of my video content. This will be a mixture of live and recorded. For example, I run an IG interview series called Marketing Mondays where I interview other people in and around marketing.
Then I also use this as batch content creation day for Instagram Reels or TikToks. Creating Reels and TikToks can be so time-consuming so by committing to doing them in one go it can mean I don’t have to worry about them for the rest of the week (or fortnight depending on how much a roll I’m on).
Mondays is also the day when I’m happy to book in creating content with other people, such as doing an interview on someone else’s programme. Also, if I’m delivering workshops for other people then I try where possible to do this on a Monday.
Tuesday is a mixture of clients and creating content (non-visual).
I have calls with my mentoring clients in the morning and then in the afternoon I will write my blog post (that goes out on Wednesday), my newsletter (that also goes out on Wednesday) and the rest of my non-visual social media content.
On Tuesday’s my diary is also open for introduction calls and power hour sessions.
On Wednesday I wear pink (I love Mean Girls). On Instagram I will do a work-with-me day on my Stories where I share a bit more about what my working day looks like and what I’m doing in my business.
My mornings are for calls with my mentoring clients. Then in the afternoon I focus on social media engagement. This is a time where I’ll make the effort to actively engage in Facebook Groups and look for new people to connect with on LinkedIn and Instagram. My diary is also open on a Wednesday afternoon so it could be that I have introduction calls with potential clients, deliver a pricing power hour or go onto a podcast as a guest.
Thursday is a mixture of client calls, admin tasks and last but not least Clubhouse.
Thursday morning is the same as Tuesday and Wednesday where I am working with mentoring clients. Then the afternoon is a chance for me to catch up on my emails and also do any one-off tasks such as creating a new lead magnet, a training deck or automated email sequence.
I finish my Thursdays with Clubhouse. I host Entrepreneurs: Wins and Wine every Thursday at 5pm. If you aren’t already following me on Clubhouse come follow me at @charellegriffith. Before I go into Clubhouse I will make sure that I’ve created my weekly plan for the next week.
My goal is to work a 4-day week in the summer so I have purposefully structured my week so that I can have the time off in the summer. This means that no mentoring client can request a Friday and I don’t leave my calendar open for introduction calls or pricing power hours). However, for the majority of the year I do “work” on a Friday (although usually a shorter day) so I use the day as follows.
Friday is the day when I know I have no commitments where I need to be at my desk so I will use Fridays to go and meet other business owners.As a solopreneur I think it is really important to build a network of other small business owners and whilst I communicate with most online nothing beats having a sneaky 2pm cocktail on a Friday afternoon.
Personal & Professional Development
As a Chartered Marketer I have to report back annually on the CPD (Continuing Professional Development) that I’ve been doing. This means I set aside time to ensure that I’m constantly improving my marketing knowledge and skills. In addition from time to time I will sign up for other business related courses and I’ll use Fridays to go through the trainings.
Running Strategy Days
Since I have no commitments with other people (unless I’ve booked something networking wise in) I’ll also use Fridays to run a Strategy Day. This is where I spend one day working with a client. It is an intense service so is perfect to do at the end of the week and then enjoy the weekend. You can find out more about my Strategy Days here.
I work one-to-one with coaches, consultants and online service providers to help them get clear on the business goals, confidently create a plan to achieve those goals and then hold them accountable to following through. My signature 1:1 programme has me working by your side as a marketing strategist, business mentor, cheerleader and accountability partner all rolled into one.
Find out more about my signature 1:1 programme here.
I’ve walked you through how I structure my week as a solopreneur, but there is one important thing I needed to share – this isn’t how every week looks. In the Summer of 2021 whilst I was enjoying what I class as my ‘summer slow down’ I thought about what I really wanted in my business. One of the beauties of being your own boss is truly being in control of what your work/life balance is. This looks different for everyone and it is something I always encourage my clients to really think about what they would like.
I decided that I wanted to operate my business on an A/B week schedule. All of my ongoing mentoring clients have their sessions on Week A and that means I have the choice on Week B to do whatever I want. This means I can easily take a weeks holiday but it also allows me to use that week for running Strategy Days, Power Hours, doing deep concentrated work, attending conferences or networking events, playing tennis, reading (check out my book blog here) and anything else I fancy doing.
I’m sharing this as a reminder because if you are a solopreneur, like me, it is important to remember that you have the power to work however you’d like to work. It starts from working out what you’d like your work life to look like and then creating your services and pricing your services to allow you to fulfil that desire.
There you have it! You now know how I structure a week as a solopreneur.
I wanted to share how I structure my week because structuring your week no only allows you to be more productive as a business owner, but it is central to building a business that suits the lifestyle you want.
I’m passionate about helping solopreneurs and small business owners to build businesses they love and when your structure allows you to take a week off, pick up the children from school, go to the gym in the middle of the day (or whatever else you want to do) you truly feels the benefits of being your own boss.
In the comments I’d love to hear about how you are going to structure your weeks going forward and why.
I believe that every business is unique as the business owner who runs it. As a result I work 1-to-1 with coaches, consultants and online service providers to get strategic in their business and ultimately build a business they love and that works for them.
Whether you are looking for help creating the vision and mapping out how to get there, or you would like ongoing support to help you get there I have a 1-to-1 service for you.
You can find out the other ways of working with me here or send me a message here to discuss other options.