Want to know why growing your business doesn’t guarantee growing your wealth? Many people make…

Want to know how to stand out online as a financial coach or service provider? Whether you are a financial coach, financial adviser, bookkeeper, accountant, or another type of financial service provider the reality is you aren’t alone. You have a lot of competition and if you want to have a thriving business it is key you learn how to stand out online so people choose to work with you rather than a competitor. Keep on reading to learn how to stand out online as a financial coach or service provider.
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1. Have a strong brand
A key way to stand out online is by having a strong brand. Now when most people think of a brand they think about their logo or maybe the colour palette. But creating a strong brand is more than that. When creating a strong brand you’ll need to consider the vision and mission, values, archetype and personality. Then you can work out what that means in terms of logo, colour palette, fonts, imagery and tone of voice.
The key thing is to create a brand that is recognisable and will differentiate you from some of your competitors.
2. Have a strong tone of voice
Having a strong tone of voice is part of having a strong brand, but the reason why I am creating a whole point around this part of your brand is for two reasons. Firstly, in an effort to be professional, it is easy for financial businesses to all end up sounding exactly the same. Personally, I’ve visited A LOT of websites for financial coaches, accountants and bookkeepers and so many all sound the same. In fact, if I was to remove the branding of the website and just look at the copy it would be virtually impossible to know who the copy belonged to. You don’t want this for your business if you want to stand out online.
Secondly, with the rise in AI-created written content tone of voice is even more important than ever. Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ll have heard of the number of AI tools (with Chat GPT being the most recognised one right now). These tools have drastically reduced the amount of time it takes to create written content, which means the volume of written content being produced is only going to increase. However, there is one major downside of AI-created content (at the moment). Everything sounds the same! Therefore, if you want to stand out the key is to ensure your brand personality shines through your content and comes across as human rather than AI-made.
3. Niche
As the saying goes “When you speak to everyone you speak to no one”. If you want to stand out online trying to be known as a leader amongst all the other accountants, bookkeepers, financial coaches, financial advisers etc in the whole world is very tough. However, it is much easier when you niche. You could become known as the financial coach for DINK couples or the accountant for digital nomads.
Now I know that niching can be scary because it feels as if you are limited the number of people you can work with, but it will make it so much easier for you to stand out online. When you have a clear niche you can really get to know your ideal client and market your business in a way that truly speaks to them. This automatically will help you move from writing generic messaging to targeted messaging, which is going to help you stand out.
Niching will not only help you stand out, but it will help with sales. People will be able to quickly decide if you are or aren’t right for them. And don’t worry about not being right for someone. As long as they understand who your niche is then actually it can still be beneficial as in the future they might come across someone who is right for you and then refer or recommend you.
4. Publish content online
There are still a huge amount of financial coaches and service providers who aren’t making content online to promote their business. They focus on growing their business through in-person networking and referrals. That gives you an opportunity. Creating content whether that be long-form content (such as a blog, YouTube channel or podcast), social media content or email content will allow you to stand out. Creating content will enable people to get to know more about you, your business, the work you do, why you do the work you do, the level of your expertise and so much more. Creating content will not only make you stand out, but will also help people to remember you and your business.
When it comes to creating content you have a number of options and it is best, especially when starting out, to think about what you’d enjoy creating the most. It is easy to see someone else that is successful in the financial industry and think you should do the same as them. Please don’t do that. Trying to copy someone else’s marketing strategy (when you don’t even really know because you are on the outside looking in) is a great way to set yourself up to fail. Instead, focus on using marketing channels that you enjoy (or at least the ones you hate the least). Finding enjoyment in your marketing will make a difference to how you approach creating content and that will show.
If you are a writer then you might be more inclined to focus on content that revolves around the written word such as a blog, email or LinkedIn. Or if you are happy on camera you might focus on having a YouTube channel or TikTok. Or you might love talking to other people and decide to do a podcast where you interview people.
Not sure whether to start a blog, podcast or YouTube channel? Check out the pros and cons of all 3 options in this blog post.
I’m a Chartered Marketer that specialise in helping financial coaches and service providers. Money is personal so having strong marketing that attracts your ideal clients, and then builds the know, like and trust factor so they buy is essential. Following a cookie-cutter marketing strategy is going to result in you having a business that blends in with everyone else. If you are serious about changing the world and standing out in your marketing you need a personalised marketing strategy and I can create one for you. You can get a strategy created in just one day by clicking here. Or you can get your strategy created and then have 6-months of ongoing training, support and accountability by clicking here. Not sure what is best for your business? To discuss your business and your specific needs book a call here. |
5. Create video content
If you really want to stand out online as a financial coach or service provider then you go a step beyond just creating content and instead create video content. Whilst there are financial coaches and service providers creating content only the amount creating written and visual content far outweighs those creating video content. This means it is easier for you to stand out. Also, from a sales perspective video content allows people to build the know, like and trust factor quicker so it will help you to not only stand out online, but to make more sales (and faster).
There are multiple ways that you can use video in your marketing. When I first suggest people use video in their marketing they panic because they think I’m saying they have to start a YouTube channel. Of course, that is an option, but there are so many other ways to include video in your marketing.
You can create videos specifically to embed on your website. Popular places to do this are on your home page, about page or sales page. If you are already using social media to market your business then there are multiple ways you can create video. Depending on the platform(s) you are using you could go live, post a recorded long-form video or post a short-form video. Last but not least you could decide to create live videos in the form of workshops, masterclasses or online trainings where people are able to watch you live in a closed environment like Zoom.
As you can see you have lots of options for adding video into your marketing. To learn more about using video in your marketing click here.
That’s it! You now know how to stand out online as a financial coach or service provider.
Essentially if you want to stand out online, whether you be a financial coach, financial planner, accountant, bookkeeper or another type of financial service provider, you need to focus on three things – have a strong brand, niche and create great content. When you do all three of these things you’ll be able to successfully stand out online and reap the rewards.
In the comments, I would love to know what your biggest takeaway is.
As a financial coach or service provider there is a lot you need to consider and juggle in order to build a thriving business. I have no doubt that from a financial perspective you are confident about running a profitable business, but business is more than just numbers. You need to be offering the right services, at the right price and have the right marketing and sales process. I’m a Chartered Marketer that specialises in supporting financial coaches and service providers to build businesses they love, that support long-term financial wealth, and that change the lives of their clients and the world as a whole. If you are looking for one-to-one personalised strategy, training and accountability then my 1:1 business and marketing mentoring programme is for you. To find out more about my 1:1 business and marketing mentoring programme click here And to discuss your precise needs book a free, no-obligation, introduction call to discuss your business here. |