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Want to know how to sell high-ticket services in 2024? Being able to successfully sell high-ticket services can drastically change the financial situation of your business. But there is a big difference between having a high-ticket service available and consistently selling high-ticket services. Keep on reading to find out how to sell high-ticket services in 2024.
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What is a high-ticket service?
Before I share how to sell a high-ticket service in 2024 let’s make sure we are all on the same page about what a high-ticket service is. Unfortunately, there isn’t an absolute rule that determines whether a service is a low-ticket, mid-ticket or high-ticket service. However, a common price point, that is mentioned in relation to high-ticket services is the 4-figure mark. So if you are selling a service that is £1,000+, $1,000+ or €1,000+ then you can class that as a high-ticket service.
If you have a coaching business then you could easily have a group programme, mastermind or a 1:1 coaching package that is classed as a high-ticket service.
If you have a service-based, business (for example copywriting, virtual assistant, online business manager) then your signature service or retainer service could be classed as a high-ticket service.
Creating a high-ticket service
Before you can sell a high-ticket service you’ll need to have a high-ticket service. It might be at this moment in time you already have a high-ticket service and you just want to sell it (if so skip to the next section). But if you don’t have a high-ticket service yet and are looking to create your first high-ticket service then here are a few things to consider when creating a high-ticket service.
What service can you offer that addresses a genuine needs?
If you know your ideal client well you’ll know their needs. Is there a way to package your expertise in a way that address a geniune need and in a way that the service is more valuable than the high-ticket price tag.
What service would you be confident to sell?
A key part of selling high-ticket services is being confident about the services you sell and the value it will provide. You can lack some confidence with low-ticket services and still make sales. But as the price increase you need to be confident with the services you are selling. You’ll get price objections, that is completely normal, so you want to be confident that the service you are selling works and is still great value for money.
What are people willing to buy?
There is no point in having a great service that you know solves a geniune problem and that you are confident about, but if no one is willing to pay, that amount, to have their problem solved it is pointless. This will mean having to do some market research.
How does your high-ticket service work alongside your other services?
If someone is looking at your range of services then it should be obvious why your high-ticket services are more than your lower ticket services. For example, if you are a coach it is usual for your 1:1 coaching to be more than group coaching, because of the proximity a clients gets with you in a 1:1 situation rather than a group context. People also expect to pay more if they are working with you over a longer period of time versus a shorter period of time, or are getting a premium experience.
You can learn more about creating a strong offer suite for your business here.
To successfully sell high-tickets services you need the right high-ticket services and the right marketing and sales strategy. In a 2024 Strategy Day I’ll help ensure your high-ticket service works alongside the rest of your offer suite, is priced correctly, and you have a clear strategy for marketing and selling those services. So if you want to walk into 2024 confident with the services you offer and your ability to sell them and smash your financial goals – book a 2024 Strategy Day. |
Marketing your high-ticket service
As with marketing any type of service, you have numerous ways that you could market your services. Some options include:
- Email marketing
- Social media marketing
- Long-form content marketing
- Webinars
- Networking
- Digital advertising
- Trade shows
- Referral scheme / Affiliate marketing
- Live events
When it comes to choosing where to market your high-ticket services (aka your marketing channels) you can probably use all of the same channels that you used for your low or mid ticket services. In fact, it might be that you use all of the small channels, but given the potential return for your high-ticket services you might, in addition, look into more paid options that previously wouldn’t have made financial sense.
I’m not going to tell you that any marketing channel is better than another. That isn’t my style because all marketing channels work, but what is best for your business will depend on a number of factors. If you aren’t confident about the marketing channels you are using right now check out this blog post – How to choose the right marketing channels for your business.
The main difference between selling low-ticket services and high-ticket services isn’t where you market them, but how you market them. With high-ticket services people are likely to do a bit more due diligence before they buy. This means you’ll need to ensure you have the right content in place to help them make an informed decision.
There are two things you’ll need to focus on: your business and the specific service. Spending thousands of pounds online comes with risks so people want to make sure that they are buying from a legit business. It is therefore key to have a strong online presence that is consistent and reassures people this is a real business and a business that will still exist in the future (rather than take their money and disappear into thin air).
Then you’ll also need to think about how you are marketing the service.
As a general rule of thumb when selling high ticket you should focus more on the benefits than the features of your service. People want to feel confident that your service is going to solve their problem. Yes they want to have a rough idea of how you intend to do that, but on the whole the emphasis in your messaging should be able on the benefits of the service.
With so many ways you could market your business it can be difficult to know what you should and shouldn’t focus on. But you don’t have to struggle to work it out by yourself. You can get a personalised marketing strategy created so you know exactly where to focus your time, money and energy. As an award-winning and Chartered Marketer that does all of my own marketing I create strategies that are strategic and manageable. You’ll have utter confidence with what you should be doing and have a strategy to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing in 2024. For more information and to book a 2024 Strategy Day click here. |
Closing the sale
You are reading this blog post because you want to know how to sell high ticket services, so regardless of how you market your high-ticket services to generate leads you need to learn how to close a sale and turns those leads into paying, high-ticket, clients.
In the same way that there are a number of ways to market your high-ticket service. There are also a number of ways that you can close your high-ticket sales too.
Here are some common ways people sell high-ticket services.
Through a sales call
A popular option for selling high-ticket services is to have a sales call with the potential client. This enables the business to talk through the service and the potential client to ask questions. Then it might be that you take payment there and then (this is very popular with online coaching businesses). It might be that you send an contract and invoice or payment link following the call. Or if it is a really bespoke service you might even send a proposal over.
Through a conversation through social media DMs
An increasingly popular way to sell high-ticket services is ‘in the DMs’. Given that most social media platforms now allow you to send voice notes in their messenger apps there are many businesses that will encourage people to DM them if they’d like to work with them and then they will have a conversation in the DMs and then send across a booking link.
Through a sales page
Just because you are selling a high-ticket service don’t assume that someone needs to have one-to-one communication with you prior to buying. I made this mistake early on in my business. I made every client have a sales call with me, but one day someone emailed to book in a Strategy Day and when I sent them a link to book a call they said they didn’t need to chat to me. They were ready to buy and could they get booked it straight away. Since then I’ve made it that people can book a virtual Strategy Day straight through my website.
That’s it. You now know how to sell a high-ticket service.
Selling high-ticket services can change your business and your life. The right high-ticket services will enable you to work with better clients, do really satisfying work, make more profit per client, be able to work less and so much more.
I really hope this blog post has got your excited to sell your high-ticket service.
Let me know in the comments what your biggest take away is.
Book a 2024 Strategy Day to map out HOW to have an amazing year in business in 2024.
If you are serious about having an amazing year in business then you need a plan in place. Over the last 5 years I’ve developed a process to allow small business owners to put together their business and marketing strategy together in just one day. So if right now you don’t have a strategy in place for 2024 and you’d like to be guided through reviewing 2023, setting your goals for 2024 and then having the right business growth and marketing strategy in place to get there – book a 2024 Strategy Day. For more information and to book a 2024 Strategy Day click here. |