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Business growth isn’t usually linear and that is due to the power of momentum in business. When a business has momentum on its side, amazing things can happen in a very short space of time. So it makes sense as a business owner to learn how to harness the power of momentum. Keep on reading to learn about the power of momentum in business and how to build momentum in your own business.
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Definition of Momentum
To make sure we are both on the same page I thought it would be a good idea to firstly clarify exactly what momentum is. According to the Cambridge Dictionary momentum is “the force that keeps an object moving”.
I like to imagine someone riding a bicycle. The moment they stop pedalling the bike doesn’t stop straight away. It has already built up momentum so the wheels will keep on turning and gradually slow down. Momentum can mean that when you stop putting effort or energy into something it still keeps on going and momentum can also mean you can maintain a certain output (for example a constant speed) without having to use the same amount of energy or effort that it took to get to that point.
The power of momentum in business
Now you might be thinking “that is all well and good Charelle, but how does that relate to business?!”. When a business uses the power of momentum it will get bigger and better results with less energy and effort. When people say the hardest part of business is the beginning they aren’t lying. Signing your first client is definitely harder than signing your tenth. When you first start your business you are starting from zero. You have no momentum and essentially you are trying to get the ball rolling, but once it is rolling it can get to a point where it is sustaining itself with minimal input from you.
For example, let’s look at marketing your business. In the beginning you have to do all of the marketing. No one has ever heard of your business and what you sell so you will have to market your business in order to attract clients. However, once you have clients your business can start to benefit from word of mouth.
Imagine if every client you have drives two more clients your way. Your first client recommends you to two people. Those two people become clients and each recommend you to two more people. Those four people become clients and each recommend you to eight more people. You can see how the number of clients being driven to you isn’t in a linear fashion. Instead the word of month is growing at an exponential rate. Now in reality the likelihood is not every client will recommend you to two people and not everyone who is recommended to work with you will become a client, but hopefully you can see how quickly, when you have momentum, exponential growth can happen.
I offer one-to-one services and small group programmes to help coaches, consultants and service-based business owners to improve their marketing and build a business on their terms.
Find out more about how we can work together here.
How to build momentum in your business
By this point I hope you can understand the power of momentum in business and you want to take advantage of it. Now obviously if it was super easy everyone would be doing it and there is a degree of luck when it comes to building momentum. However, there are still a few things you can do to maximise the chances of building momentum in your business.
Momentum doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time to build up and that is where consistency pays off. Consistency will help you get to the tipping point where momentum kicks in. When it comes to marketing your business you want to be consistent in whatever you choose to do. If you decide to have a YouTube channel, podcast or blog you should aim to be posting weekly. If you choose to use a specific social media platform, be there as many days a week as you can manage without burnout. The focus should be on little and often. Little and often will help you to build momentum in your business. This is much more effective than doing something big once and then doing nothing else for a while.
If you’ve never come across the 80/20 rule (also known as the Pareto Principle) the idea is that there usually is an imbalance between input and output. For example, in business you might realise that 80% of your income comes from 20% of your clients or that 80% of your traffic comes from one source. If you are able to identify what is giving you a bigger return (output) based on what you are investing (input) then focus your attention there. This should help you to see bigger results in a shorter period of time and help you build to the tipping point, where momentum kicks in, quicker.
Don’t forget that momentum doesn’t last forever. If you get to the point where you have managed to build momentum in your business, be sure to ride the wave for as long as you can. Don’t think “things are going great I can stop putting in all the hard work”. Don’t stop doing the things that made you build the momentum in the first place. If you keep on going this is where you’ll most likely see exponential growth. If you have to slow down a bit (because you really did push yourself earlier to reach momentum) then ease off a bit, but try to focus on the 80/20 rule and ensure you use your energy, time and resources as effectively as possible to keep momentum going.
Also, whilst your business is ‘hot’ use it to your advantage. Maybe you secured some great media coverage and sales are flooding in without you doing other marketing activity. Use this time to pitch yourself for more media coverage. If you see a significant increase in clients signing up, focus on ways to gather social proof that shows how business is booming and how happy your clients are.
That’s it! You now know what to do when you aren’t on track with your goals. You now know about the power of momentum in business and how to build momentum in your own business.
Building momentum can make a massive difference to your business and I hope by now you truly understand the power of momentum in business. By taking consistent action and focusing on specific tasks you can build momentum in your business sooner and then enjoy riding the wave.
In the comments I would love to know what your biggest takeaway is.
I’m a Chartered Marketer with a passion for helping solo and super small service-based business owners to build business that they love. I believe it is entirely possibly to build a business where you can do work you love, work with amazing clients, make the money you dream of, and all on your own terms.
I offer 1-to-1 services so I can give personalised advice and ensure you are growing your business in your way. So whether you want help to create a plan to build momentum or you want ongoing support and accountability to ensure you consistently take the right actions, I’m here to help! You can find out the other ways of working with me here or send me a message here to discuss other options.