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Want to know why posting every day won’t fix a broken content strategy and won’t mean all of a sudden sales pour in from your content? It’s easy when your content isn’t getting the results you desire to think the answer is to simply create more content and post more often. But more of the wrong content isn’t going to get you better results. Keep on reading to find out why posting every day won’t fix a broken content strategy and what you need to do instead.
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The truth about ‘being consistent’
If you’ve been marketing your business online for a while, it’s likely you’ll have seen marketing experts talking about being consistent. In fact I have written numerous blog posts on the topic of consistency including What ‘being consistent in your marketing’ means as so many business owners get this confused.
Some business owners have turned ‘being consistent’ into posting daily on social media and that is not the truth. When it comes to being consistent with your marketing there are three main areas to look at: your frequency, your messaging and your brand.
Frequency, aka how often you post, does play a part in your consistency, but the frequency doesn’t have to be daily. For example, I am a consistent blogger, but I only publish one new blog post every week. You can check out my whole back catalogue of blog posts here. Consistency isn’t about how often you are publishing new content but the regularity. So if you decided to post three times per week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and you stick to that schedule then that is being consistent.
Why it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking daily posting will solve your marketing problems
If you’ve fallen into the trap of thinking daily posting will solve your marketing problems don’t feel bad. It has happened to many business owners in the past and it will happen to more in the future.
As discussed it is easy in a mission to be consistent to have mistaken that to mean you need to post daily, because so many believe it to mean that. Also, if your marketing isn’t getting the results you want it is easy to think if I post more content I’ll make more sales. This makes sense because marketers often talk about how a person needs to have multiple touchpoints or engagements with a business before buying. Therefore, there is logic in thinking by posting more it will mean that people have more chances to see and engage with your business. And that will help to generate more sales.
On top of that if you have been looking at the leaders in your industry it is highly likely that they’ll be posting daily on social media. This makes it easy to think the secret to success is posting daily on social media. When in reality there will be lot of other marketing activities that are helping that business to be achieving the level of success it is. But very often social media is the most visible.
Signs you have a content strategy problem, not a content frequency problem
If you are currently posting 3 to 5 times per week and you are contemplating moving to posting daily before you do that you should work out if you have a content strategy problem or a content frequency problem. To do that ask yourself these questions.
- Do I have a clear understanding of what I’m trying to achieve with my content? You should never be posting just to post something. Everything you post should be purposeful. If you don’t have a clear understanding of why you are posting this suggests you have a content strategy problem.
- Does my content get good engagement? Good engagement will look different business to business, and between content types. But if all of your posts get crickets, or low engagement, that suggests you have a content strategy problem.
- Is my content getting people to take action? Every post has a purpose. You might be asking people to comment, to click to a link, to DM. Are people taking that action? If they aren’t this suggests you have a content strategy problem.
If you think you have a content strategy problem, please focus on fixing this before increasing your frequency.
Posting more content without a clear purpose is pointless. Posting more content when your engagement is poor, will only make your engagement get even worse. Posting more content when people aren’t taking action right now isn’t going to make people suddenly start taking action.
You need to fix your content strategy first, and then afterwards you can consider whether you need to increase your frequency.
Creating a content strategy that get results
So you know you need a content strategy, but you aren’t sure how to create one. Well firstly, this is exactly what I help business owners with. You can check out how we can work together here.
But if you prefer to DIY it here are some key things to consider.
Purposeful Posts
Every post should have a purpose and this should be decided in advance. This is what will help you to be able to assess whether the post is performing well or not. Think about what you want people to do as a result of consuming your social media post.
How does your social media content fit with everything else
Hopefully social media is just one of the ways you are marketing your business and so you need to think about how your social media fits with everything else. You should have a buyer journey mapped out for all of your offers and be able to see where in the journey social media fits.
Balancing Content Types
You’ll need to be creating different types of content on your social media. Having all visibility content will get your new followers, but it won’t result in sales. Having all sales focused content will get sales, but low engagement, so if you do it too much it will damage your visibility. Think about the different types of content you will create and how you will balance that out over a week or month.
As you can see there is a lot to consider when creating a content strategy so rather than do it yourself work with me and get a bespoke content strategy – fast. I run one-to-one strategy days where I work alongside business owners and create business growth and content strategies for the next 12 months based on their specific goals. |
When I’ve got a solid content strategy should I post daily?
A question I got asked a lot of once someone has a content strategy and it works should commit to post daily. The fact is this will totally depend. Once you’ve got a content strategy that is working then you absolutely can decide to increase your frequency so you are posting daily. However, it isn’t necessary.
If you are doing your marketing you’ll need to think about the time required for creating content. Increasing your frequency will need to commit more time to marketing. It might be more beneficial to use that time for other types of marketing, to have more time for activities that you are paid for, or you to have more time for your life.
It will also depends on your relationship with social media. Many business owners find social media draining and there are many business owners who have burnt out because of marketing their business on social media. The easiest way to avoid this is by not overcommitting. So stick to posting 3-5 times per week and focus another other time you have available to market your business outside of social media.
As you can see there is a lot to consider with building, and maintaining, a strong online presence so I created Shine Online. Shine Online is for business owners who want to make the most of online marketing so they can attract great clients worldwide. |
That’s it! You now know why posting every day won’t fix a broken content strategy.
Doing more of what isn’t working isn’t going to help you. And by taking the pressure off yourself to create more and instead focus on having a strong content strategy, and then making content that is aligned with that strategy you’ll get better results.
I hope by reading this blog post you can see how posting every day isn’t necessary (although if you want to – go for it), and that instead you need to ensure you have a strong content strategy that works.
Let me know in the comments what your biggest takeaway has been.
As you can see there is a lot to consider with building, and maintaining, a strong online presence so I created Shine Online. Shine Online is for business owners who want to make the most of online marketing so they can attract great clients worldwide. |