If your focus right now is sustainable growth you need to stop marketing like a…

Thinking about posting 3 times a day on TikTok? If you’ve been on TikTok, and wandered over to the business side of TikTok, then you’ll have likely come across a TikTok guru telling you to post 3 times a day and thought REALLY?! Well, I thought the same when I started taking TikTok seriously, but after going from consistently posting once a day, and then building up to twice a day, I decided to go for it. Keep on reading to hear about my experience, the numbers, and the lessons I learned from posting 3 times per day on TikTok.
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Why I decided to post 3 times a day on TikTok
My official TikTok journey started in January 2022. I challenged myself to post a video every day in January and you can read about why I decided to do this and my experience here – 30-day TikTok growth challenge – end results and reflection.
What quickly became evident during that challenge was that whilst compared to other social media platforms posting once a day seemed like a very frequent schedule – it wasn’t deemed to be so on TikTok. Most of the TikTok ‘gurus’ were recommending posting on TikTok 3 times a day.
That originally seemed crazy to me, but after having posted 2 times a day consistently for months I felt confident to trying posting on TikTok 3 times a day.
My approach to posting 3 times a day on TikTok
Video Formats
For the challenge I decided that I would post 1 trending sound video, 1 talking to camera video and then have freedom over the third video. Previously I had been posting 1 trending sound video and 1 talking to camera video, and wanted to continue with this.
Trending sounds have always played an important role on TikTok and historically the majority of creators who had viral videos had used a trending sound. However, TikTok had been shifting to put a bigger focus on ‘original content’ and so including talking videos was now important. In addition, as someone who is selling a service talking videos allow you to demonstrate your expertise (If you don’t I’m a Marketing Strategist and Business Mentor for solo coaches, consultants and online service providers. You can find out more about my services here.)
Recording Approach
I swear by batching content whether it be writing emails and blog posts, recording videos and podcasts or creating social media posts. Batching is a key way to maximise your productivity and save time. Read more about How to save time by batching your marketing content here. So of course I batched some of the 93 videos I created across the month.
Mondays are my CEO and content days. So on a Monday I would record a number of trending sounds videos in my office and then a number of talking to camera videos whilst on my walk. Sometimes with trending sounds I would record the video even though I wasn’t 100% sure what text I would use with it yet. Having this major batching schedule would enable me to feel at ease knowing I had plenty of content in my drafts. Then I would make additional videos during the week when inspired or based on new trending sounds. However, I did have a moment during the month where batching became too much. After creating 10 of the 21 I needed for the week I couldn’t do anymore and felt it was fitting to do a rant on TikTok and see just how many other people could batch in one go.
@charellegriffith Praying that everyone doesn’t comment 15+ in 30 mins but lets see 🙈 #businessownerproblems #solopreneurproblems #entrepreneurproblems #contentcreatorproblems #tiktokproblems #batchcontentcreation #batchcontentday #solopreneurstruggles ♬ original sound – Marketing & Business Mentor
Results: The Key Numbers and Statistics
Here are the key TikTok stats from 1st August 2022 to the 31st August 2022.
31 days
93 videos
41,987 video views (+103.4%)
940 profile views (-37.46%)
1,358 likes (+39.86%)
297 comments (+40.09%)
522 shares (+577.92%)
Given that I had increased my video output by 50% I expected all of the number to have percentage increases. However, it wasn’t a surprise to see that my follower growth and profile views were down on July. On my talking videos I will sometimes include the call-to-action to follow, but usually, I’m encouraging comments, or for people to get in touch with me, rather than to follow.
A statistic that really shocked me was the number of shares. This was a major increase on the month before and also a stat that I really value. A share means that someone feels a need to share with someone else. Therefore I class this as being more valued than a like.
One statistic that isn’t that TikTok doesn’t collate is number of saves. During the month I created a number of short (less than 15 second videos) to trending audio that were specifically designed with the aim of encourage saves as they would be something someone wanted to reference again. Ican see the number of shares on the individual post and can tell that tactic work, but would be great to see across the whole month.
One of the reasons why TikTok is so popular is because of the organic reach potential. Regardless of the size of your account, a video has the potential to go viral. Whilst there is the potential for one of your videos to go viral. It definitely doesn’t mean it will. On the whole my videos across the months, whether trending sound or talking to camera, ended up in the 200 – 450 views. Out of the 93 videos I posted in August only 6 got above 1,000 views, with one of those videos hitting above 3,000.
Video 1 – Lazy TikTok video wishing British Business Owners a good bank holiday weekend
Video 2 – Trending sound “My mum says”
Video 3 – Trending sound “I don’t work with everyone”
Video 4 – Trending sound “Looking for a rich man – Becoming a rich woman”
Video 5 – Trending sound “I wish I knew if you grew up in a house that … “
Video 6 – Talking to camera “Instagram Stories are 60 seconds long”
5 of the 6 videos were to trending sounds and one was a talking to camera video that I optimised for search.
TikTok should just be ONE part of your marketing strategy and you need to ensure your activity on the platform integrates with the rest of your strategy. I help solo coaches, consultants and online service providers to create marketing strategies and plans that are easy to follow, can be managed by one person and that get results. As a Chartered Marketer with over a decade of professional marketing experience I eat, sleep and breathe marketing plans. That means you don’t have to wait ages. In fact, if you book a Strategy Day you could have a personalised marketing plan, that looks at your video content alongside all your other types of marketing, by next week! |
Reflections: The Lessons I Learnt
Videos with trending sounds will get more views in the first few hours
Because my posting schedule combined using trending sounds alongside talking to camera videos I was playing close attention to how the two different types of video performed. Trending videos reached the 200 views mark quickly (very often within an hour or 2), whereas it might take all day for a talking to camera video to get to that point. However, the speed at which a video hits the 200ish mark doesn’t indicate how well it will perform in the long run.
TikTok videos continue to be shown for MONTHS
One of the things that amazes me when looking through my notifications was getting likes and comments on videos I had posted months ago. Unlike many social media platforms where your content is likely to be shown in other people’s feeds for a few days (maybe a week on LinkedIn), TikTok is different. I’ve got engagement on videos that I’d posted 3 to 4 months before. This means that there is a cumulative power of being consistent and posting on the platform for months.
One of the things that is being talked about more and more is how TikTok is becoming a POWERFUL search engine. Over the month I decided a few times to create posts around specific keywords. All 3 of the videos ranked within the top 4 for me, but search for the keywords yourself and see. I created videos for ‘post to multiple platforms’, ‘staying fully booked’ and ‘Instagram stories 60 seconds’
Next Steps
After having posted my last video of August at 11:56pm I’m glad to say the challenge is over and I’m now going back to 2 videos per day.
Whilst I’ve proved I CAN post three times a day on TikTok I don’t believe it is worth it. Instead I’m going to go back to posting 2 videos per day: one trending sound and one talking to camera. I’ll use the extra time to be able to make “better” talking to camera videos which are either optimised for search or created so that they can be repurposed onto other platforms such as Instagram Reels, Pinterest Idea Pins and YouTube Shorts.
How to repurpose TikTok videos to Instagram Reels (and other platforms).
That’s it. You’ve now heard about my experience of posting 3 times a day on TikTok.
After hearing about my experience of posting 3 times a day on TikTok are you going to give it a go? To be clear, just because moving from 2 to 3 videos per day didn’t seem valuable for me, doesn’t mean that posting 3 times a day won’t be useful for you.
If you do decide to post 3 times a day get clear on exactly WHY you are doing it and track your performance.
If you are going to post 3 times a day on TikTok drop your handle in the comments so I check your profile out.
And if you are on TikTok come and find me. My handle is @charellegriffith
I’m a Business and Marketing Strategist that specialises in supporting coaches, consultants and online service providers who are small in size, but big in ambition. I help my clients to build thriving online businesses where they are fully booked with dream clients. Whether you need help creating a marketing strategy, or you are looking for a marketing strategy AND the training, support and accountability to implement then I can help you. To find out more about how we can work together check out my services here. And to discuss your precise needs book a free, no-obligation, introduction call to discuss your business here. |