Have you set yourself the goal to work less and earn more in 2025 and…
I’m known for being a big of a consistency queen across all forms of content and a question I get asked a lot is “How do you post every day on social media?”. At the time of writing this blog post (June 2023) I’m currently posting daily on Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn. And I do everything myself so it would be easy to miss a few days, but I don’t. Keep on reading to find out how I post every day on social media.
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Increased the frequency and social media platforms over time
The content schedule for my business now is very different to when I first started back in 2018. I’ve increased the frequency of my posts and the social media platforms I’ve used over time. For example, I didn’t start posting on TikTok every day until January 2022.
Instead, I have over time added to my posting schedule. By adding to my weekly volume of content incrementally it meant I didn’t get overwhelmed and feel as if I had masses of content to create.
And I’ve played around with my frequency. For example, in August 2022 I decided to post three times per day on TikTok. I managed it for the whole month, but August is a quieter month for me. So after the month, I analysed the results and also thought about if I could manage that volume of content creation during a busier period of time. I decided it wasn’t worth it so went back to posting once per day on TikTok.
You can check out the results of my posting 3 times per day experiment by clicking here.
Plan in advance
Over the years I’ve approached the way I create content in a number of ways. But what I have always planned in advance.
For me, the ideal is to have planned out the whole month in advance. I like at the start of the month to sit down review what is happening in the business that month, what is happening in the industry and then check awareness days. Then I’ll create my plan for the month.
Whether I decide to create that content on a daily, weekly or monthly basis doesn’t matter (and I’ve done all 3). The main thing is by planning I don’t waste time thinking “What should I post about today?”
Not currently planning your content in advance? Download a free copy of my content marketing plan workbook by putting your details in the form below.
Make it a non-negotiable
I view posting on social media as an essential business activity, which means it has to get done. I know this might sound obvious but a lot of business owners treat social media as a nice to have. It will be on their to-do list and if they get that far down the list they’ll do it and if they don’t, it won’t happen.
Being consistent with your marketing is essential. An easy way to do this is to run paid advertising that runs every single day. You create the ad and let it run (with a little bit of reviewing and tweaking). I decided to go the organic content marketing route instead, but the same principle applies. Consistency is important and for me, that means making posting every day is a non-negotiable.
Batch create
I’m a big fan of creating content in batches. I first started batching content because of my lifestyle. I started my business whilst I was working full-time. So I would create my content at the weekend and schedule it to go out during the week.
I’ve continued to batch create because allows you to use your time more efficiently. This is especially true if the type of content you create requires any time of setup (for example when recording videos) or you are using specific software (such as creating carousels in Canva).
This is where planning in advance is especially powerful. By planning in advance I’m aware of my how many carousels, TikTok videos and Instagram Reels I’ve got to create. That way I can make multiple videos back to back or make a whole month of carousel posts in one sitting.
Without a solid content strategy, you can spent a lot of time creating social media content and see little results. As an award-winning content marketer, who does all of my own marketing, and a Chartered Marketer, with over a decade of professional marketing experience, I’m able to make content with a solid strategy to ensure sales, but in a modern way that will cut through today’s busy online world. And the best bit is it doesn’t have to take forever. In fact, I run content strategy days (evergreen content and launch content) so you can get an overarching content strategy and then a launch or 3-month content plan in just one day. To find out more about my Strategy Days click here. Not sure what open is best for you? Book a free, non-obligation, introduction call here. |
Set aside the time for content creation
As I mentioned earlier a lot of business owners have social media fairly low down on their to-do list. I’m the other way around. I see content creation as a priority and it happens on a Monday. I set Mondays aside for CEO time and then content creation. Outside of social media, I also blog once a week and send at least 2 emails to my mailing list (If you aren’t already on it, you can get on it by clicking here).
Having this designated time at the beginning of the week means that social media is done before I get caught up with other things and by having a block of time I can be batch create.
Making 21 pieces of social media content per week is a lot. And one thing I’m starting to do more, but I definitely could do more of, is repurposing.
For example, my LinkedIn and Instagram content will often be exactly the same except for the call-to-action and hashtags. Sometimes I will use the same caption, but then use an image on LinkedIn and make a Reel for Instagram. Occasionally I will repurpose a TikTok video onto Instagram when I spot a sound is trending on Instagram and I had already created the video on TikTok.
Another thing I do is repurpose content on the same social media platform but I use it months after the original post. The reality is MOST of your audience doesn’t see your posts and if they do they quickly forget. So you don’t have to constantly be creating new things. Learning how to regularly repurpose helps you to create content in less time, which is key when you are posting every day on social media.
To find out more about repurposing social media content here.
Accountability through public declaration
I’m pretty good at holding myself accountable. If you’ve ever read The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubins I’m an Upholder. My own expectations are enough. I hate to break commitments to myself so breaking the chain of posting every day makes me feel sick. For example, the integration between LinkedIn and Later expired last year during my Christmas break and I was so frustrated when I returned to see my posts hadn’t gone out.
But just to make sure I also add in a layer of external accountability by making a public declaration. There are numerous places in my marketing, and when I meet people in real life, I say you can follow me on TikTok, LinkedIn or Instagram as I post daily on all of them. Given that one of my brand values is reliability keeping that promise and sticking to my word is important so even when I have moments where I can’t be bothered I post.
Using schedulers
Last, but definitely not least I use schedulers. Currently, I don’t a business account for TikTok and so I post everything manually. However, for Linkedin and Instagram I will schedule in advance. I schedule content natively (directly through LinkedIn or Instagram) and I also use a social media scheduler called Later.
Scheduling your content in advance is great for a number of reasons. Firstly, if I’ve created a whole batch of content it is great to get it scheduled in and know it is all ready to go. Secondly, if I’m creating a very similar post across multiple channels then I like to use Later as I can use the same image/graphic and then quickly adjust the captions accordingly for each platform.
Thirdly, as someone who runs a business alone, I will use my scheduler for content when I’m taking time off, for example over Christmas. Finally, using schedulers allows me to post content without logging into the social media platform. It is easy when you are going onto a social media platform to post something to get distracted, start scrolling and all of a sudden 30 minutes have gone by and you can’t remember why you opened the app in the first place.
If you aren’t using a social media scheduler and like the sound of using one then I highly recommend Later. I’ve been using it for years and it can post across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and TikTok. Later offers a 14-day free trial, as well as having a very limited free option. To find out more and try Later for yourself click here.
That’s it. You now know how I post every day on social media.
Posting every single day on social media takes dedication, but for me the time, energy and effort is worth it. Maybe right now you want to post every day on social media or maybe you’d just like to get better at posting more often. I hope by reading how I approach posting on every social media you can see what changes you can make to post more frequently and consistently.
Let me know in the comments what your biggest takeaway is.
I’m a Business and Marketing Strategist that specialises in helping businesses in the financial space. I help my clients to strategically market, and grow, thriving online businesses that change their live and the lives of others. To find out more about how we can work together check out my services here. And to discuss your precise needs book a free, no-obligation, introduction call to discuss your business here. |