Want to know why growing your business doesn’t guarantee growing your wealth? Many people make…

Want to know how to plan your year for great results and maximum enjoyment? I strongly believe that as a business owner, you should be able to make great money, really help people and have a great time doing it. I see no point in making hundreds of thousands in your business, if you don’t enjoy running your business and your business isn’t enabling you to experience joy outside of the business as well. So if you want to make great money, ensure your customers and clients get great results and experience joy inside and outside of your business you are in the right place. Keep on reading to find out how to plan your year for great results and maximum enjoyment.
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1. Reflect on the business’ current position and past year
Before planning for the year ahead it is important to get a clear understanding of the business’ current position and also reflect on what has happened over the last year to get the business to this point.
Given that the focus in on planning for great results and maximum enjoyment it makes sense now to reflect on those two areas. So firstly ask yourself about what was achieved in your business over the last year. If you set goals review those goals and work out which goals were achieved and which ones weren’t. You’ll also want to think about other successes you had outside of the goals you set. Write down all of your successes so you can easily review the list and then you want to think about what happened so that you could achieve those results. Knowing what you’ve achieved is one thing, but understanding how you got those results will help you when you start planning for creating more great results in the year ahead.
Then it is time to move onto looking at the enjoyment aspect. For this you should be looking both inside and outside of your business. It is easy to make a lot of money, but if you are working outside of your zone of genius, with clients you don’t like or in a way that breaks a boundary you won’t find it joyful. So ask yourself “On a scale of 1-10 how much enjoyment did I experience in my business this year?”. And then write down why you have given that score. What was happening that you didn’t enjoy? And what do you think could have made you enjoy the year more.
And then last but not least you want to think about the enjoyment you experienced outside of your business. As a business owne, your business plays a key role in the level of enjoyment you experience in your personal life too. For example, the money you make, the hours you work and the level of stress you experience all play a role in the level of enjoyment you experience outside of the business. So similar to before ask yourself “On a scale of 1-10 how much enjoyment did I experience in my life this year”. And then write down what contributed to that score and what you think could have happened for the number to be higher.
2. Create a clear vision and goals
Now that you’ve reflected on the past year and the current position it’s time to look to the year ahead. In order to plan your year for great results and maximum enjoyment you need to get clear on what you want the year to be like. If you were planning just for great results you could get away with just getting goals, but since you want to plan for maximum enjoyment too let’s start by create a clear vision.
Think about what the enjoyment you want to experience inside and outside of your business. People find enjoyment in many different ways so write down as much as possible about what enjoyment looks like for you. Once you’ve done that you can then move on to setting clear business goals so you have defined what ‘great results’ means to you. If you want some help setting your business goals check out this blog post – How to set business goals.
That is exactly what can happen when you book a 2025 Strategy Day! I have a tried-and-tested process that I’ve used for years that ensures that in just one day I can help business owners to create a plan that priorities results and enjoyment for the whole year ahead. All you have to do is fill in a questionnaire beforehand and then turn up on the day. I’ll then lead you through the whole process and write everything down – making it super easy for you! For more information and to book a 2025 Strategy Day click here. |
3. Set some boundaries
Very often what impacts business owners getting the most enjoyment out of their life and business is they don’t have strong enough boundaries. You say you aren’t going to work with X type of clients, but then do so. You say you won’t work on the weekend and then do. You say you won’t take your laptop on holiday, but then you do. And usually, the reason why those boundaries get broken is in an attempt to hit a business goal. For example, you take on the client you don’t want to work with because the sale will help you hit your financial goal.
I delve deeper into setting boundaries for your small business here, but the key thing is to write down your boundaries. And if you have a team communicate them with your team too. Make it clear what boundaries you have remembering that they are their to help you experience maximum enjoyment in your business and life.
4. Mapping out the year
At this stage you have everything in place to start mapping out the year. Given that you want to plan your year for great results and maximum enjoyment the first things you should plot into an annual calendar are commitments that are directly related to you getting great results in your business or maximum enjoyment. For example, if you do launches in your business then you’ll want to plot them in or if you run live events you’ll want to plot them in too. Then for maximum enjoyment you want to plot all of the things you want to do for enjoyment purposes. Block out life commitments that will bring you joy like birthdays, holidays, weddings etc.
Once you’ve got those key dates in you are then able to work out how everything else fits around that – and hopefully notice any clashes sooner rather than later. When you notice clashes in advance you have the opportunity to see if anything can be moved. In addition to clashes you also want to look for intense periods. Sometimes it might be that everything can happen, but you’ve definitely got a lot of things happening very closely together, which will have an impact on your energy levels and more. Again, spotting this in advance can mean you think about what you do just before or just after. You can also make adjustments to try and make the period as easy as possible.
When you’ve plotted as much as possible have a look at your annual calendar and see how it makes you feel. Are you excited by what you’ve got planned for the year ahead or does it stress you out? Do you feel confident in your ability to create great results and experience maximum enjoyment? If you don’t then go back and adjust. It might be that you take something out or add something in. Another thing to consider is whether from a resource perspective you need to make changes. Do you need to get more help either inside or outside of the business to help you out.
That is exactly what we can do together when you book a 2025 Strategy Day! I have a tried-and-tested process that I’ve used for years that ensures that in just one day I can help business owners to create a plan for the whole year ahead. All you have to do is fill in a questionnaire beforehand and then turn up on the day. I’ll then lead you through the whole process and write everything down – making it super easy for you! For more information and to book a 2025 Strategy Day click here. |
5. Regularly review
Planning for the whole year is no easy feat. And whilst it is great to plan that far ahead you want to make sure you are regularly reviewing and updating as necessary. For this, I would recommend checking in monthly with how you are feeling about the results you are generating in your business and the enjoyment you are experience inside and outside of your business. Review your goals and track your progress and also ask yourself “On a scale of 1-10 how much enjoyment did I experience in the last month”. Doing this will help you to keep ensuring you are thinking about creating great results and maximum enjoyment.
That’s it. You now know how to plan your year for great results and maximum enjoyment.
As you have hopefully seen there is no reason why you can’t experience great results in your business, whilst also experience maximum enjoyment. The key is to get clear on what you want and then carefully planning to make that a reality.
And if you are serious about making 2025 an amazing year for your business book a 2025 Strategy Day. For all the information, and to instantly book, a 2025 Strategy Day click here.