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Want to learn more about money in order to make more money? If so, then Money: Know More, Make More, Give More Rob Moore might be the book for you as Rob share how knowing more about money will help you to make more and be able to give more.
Money: Know More, Make More, Give More is separated into seven sections:
- Introduction
- The ‘disruptive entrepreneur’
- Major money myths
- What is money?
- Money values, beliefs and emotions
- Money mastery
- Strategies and systems
In the Introduction, Rob makes it clear that learning and sticking to the laws of money is key if you want generate wealth. He states “To me it is futile to attempt to change what cannot be changed, but it is agile and worthwhile to follow economic and universal laws to help you.” Throughout the book he then goes on to discuss the economic and universal laws the rule of money.
One of the issues with money is that some people are following money myths rather than money laws and in Section 3: Major Money Myths, Rob highlights what he believes are myths that could be holding you back. This includes:
- Money doesn’t make you happy
- The rich get richer
- There’s not enough money
- Making money is hard
Each myth is discussed in-depth to prove why it is a myth rather than reality.
Once Rob has made clear what he believes are money myths he goes on to explain exactly what money is and what the real laws of money are in Section 4: What is money? This section explored what money was from a more theoretical / economical perspective. I really enjoyed this section. I felt it was a great way to really go back to the reason money came into existence, but also remind yourself of the principles, which will help you work with them. As Rob states in the book “Money flows from those who understand and value it least to those who understand and value it more.”
A few of the concepts that really stood out to me in this section were Vacuum prosperity and the Money paradox. Vacuum prosperity explores the idea of “If you want to attract more material wealth into your life, then create a void that nature will fill.” As someone who is naturally a money accumulator the idea of making a void feels very counter-intuitive, however, it does reinforce some of the information I have read in money mindset books about making space for new things even before you have them. Rob explains the Money paradox as “The paradox that exists in money is that you need to save well, but no hoard. You need to share well, but not overspend.” Again it is the idea that you have to find the optimum balance.
The final two chapters: Money mastery and Strategies and systems goes into the nitty-gritty of how to make more pay. As the back of the book says “MONEY is a game you can win. First understand the rules”. Once Rob has explored the rules and highlighted the mindset issues it is now time to show you how to win the game. Rob has created a model to go “from the big picture to the small detail”, which he uses the acronym VVKIK for.
- Vision
- Values
- KRAs (Key Result Areas)
- IGTs (Income Generating Tasks)
- KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
Rob also outlines his formula to wealth
Wealth = (Value + Fair Exchange) x Leverage
Since leverage is an important part of the wealth formula he then goes onto share the ways you can introduce leverage, such as time, money, systems, people/skills and ideas and information.
Generating money is one thing, but it is also really important to learn how to manage that money. Rob emphasises the importance of having a future financial plan and how that will change depending on what financial stepping stone you are on (there are four: stability, security, freedom and opulence).
He also goes through the seven layers of money, which means it easy for someone to work out where they are right now and what they should be focusing on doing next. I loved this section because I love money management, but I know a lot of people struggle with this aspect and Rob sets out plans that if you aren’t as confident with managing your money you could definitely use as a starting point.
Overall, I really enjoyed Money: Know More, Make More, Give More by Rob Moore. I thought it had a wonderful balance between discussing money mindset, sharing theoretical money information and providing practical advice to generate more money. This combination of topics makes it a great book for someone new to money books, but if you have read a number of money books already you might find the book repetitive and not providing too many new ideas.