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Want to know how to market multiple services or digital products in your business? It’s common for an online, service-based, business owner to start with one main service, sometimes referred to as a signature offer, but then in order to maximise customer lifetime value and increase revenue in the business as a whole other services or digital products are added to create an offer suite. Having an offer suite, where you are selling multiple services or products, makes great business sense, but in order to ensure everything on offer sells you’ve got to be make sure you are marketing everything – and it’s easy for that not to happen. Keep on reading to learn the 3 different ways to market multiple services or digital products in your business.
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Market all the time, but using different marketing channels for specific service or digital products
One way to market multiple services or digital products is to market everything you offer, all of the time, but use certain marketing channels and platforms for specific services or products. Some things are easier to sell via specific marketing channels and platforms, and sometimes it might be that you want to sell something without sharing it across all of your social media or with your whole mailing list. This is where this approach can be powerful.
With this approach, you identify for each service or product what marketing channels and platforms you are going to use. Some common ways this is used in business are as follows.
Sending targeted emails
Got a service or digital product that you don’t want on your website or to share with the whole world on social media. Then you can use a targeted email approach. In your regular emails you’ll create content that makes people take an action. And then you sell only to the people who have taken the action. This original action could be anything from getting people to click through to a piece of content, asking a question and getting people to vote by clicking on a button, or by asking people to reply to an email.
Running adverts
Another option is to run adverts. This could be prospecting adverts or retargeting adverts. Prospecting adverts are where your adverts are shown to people based on your targeting. You can choose their age bracket, location, income, profession level etc. Whereas retargeting adverts are where your adverts are shown to people based on previous interactions.
Retargeting adverts can be great way to market a specific service or product. For example, if you create blog content that is associated with a specific service or product you could sent retargeting adverts for that service or product to everyone who visits your blog posts that have the associated content.
Webinars, masterclasses, workshops etc
Masterclasses, webinars, workshops etc are a popular way to sell. They are common used as a part of a live online launches, but they can also be a great way to specifically sell one service or digital product. You can create a webinar, masterclass or workshop that is directly related to what you want to sell and then as part of delivering the webinar, masterclass or workshop include an offer for people to buy. This can be done whether the webinar etc is free or paid.
Upsell or tripwire
A great time to get someone to buy is when they are already buying. Their card is in their hand so what does buying two things instead of one matter. This is upsells and tripwires can be powerful. You can create something specifically to accompany an existing service or digital product you have and only sell it via an upsell or tripwire. This can help you increase the average basket value and increase overall revenue in your business.
To successfully sell everything you offer you need to have a clear marketing strategy that is easy to follow. And I’ll help you to have exactly that when you book a Strategy Day.
In a Strategy Day I’ll reverse engineer your marketing strategy, based on over 10+ years of marketing experience, so that you know exactly what you should be doing marketing wise week in and week out. So if you want complete confidence with your marketing and smash your sales targets – book a Strategy Day. |
Market specific services or products, across all of your marketing channels, at specific times of the year.
One way to market multiple services or digital products is to market a specific offer, across all of your marketing channels and platforms for a specific time of the year or period of time. This approach works well if you have services or digital products that have are likely to be bought at a certain time of year or where you want to launch and then run a live programme. For example, if you are doing a “live” version of a group programme you could do a launch (where you focus on marketing your group programme, across all your marketing channels, for a specific period of time). This makes sense because there is a hard deadline when you’ll stop taking new people in so you can run the live version.
If all of your services and products can be bought all your round that doesn’t mean this way isn’t suitable for you. For example, in my own business, I will use this approach even though the majority of my services are evergreen. In November and December I’ll concentrate my marketing to be on annual planning strategy days. My annual planning strategy days (you can find out more about them here) can be bought all year round. However, I know that the new year is a period where more people want to plan for the upcoming 12 months and so based on that seasonality I have a concentrated marketing push.
Market everything, across all channels, all the time
Last, but not least, you can market multiple services or digital products by marketing everything you offer, across all of your marketing channels, all of the time. I’ve left this method till last, but this is probably the most common approach, especially amongst business owners who don’t have a marketing strategy. The process of getting strategic and working out the best times of the year to market an offer, or the best marketing channels or platforms to use feels like too much work so they decided to just market everything, everywhere, all the time.
Whilst this approach can work, it is easy to end up in a situation where certain services and digital products don’t sell. If you are going to take this approach then you need to ensure you have a well-thought through content plan that means you create the variety of content needed to ensure that all of your offers are regularly marketed. It is too easy in this approach to end up focusing on a selection of your offer suite, just because you prefer making content about a certain thing or it’s easy to market one offer over another.
For example, if you are one-to-one service provider that also has a membership you can easily find yourself in a situation where you have lots to say about your membership – because people are often joining, people are sharing their great results, you are going in regular to deliver live trainings etc. Naturally you have a lot to say about your membership. And in contrast if you only work with a few one-to-one clients and they don’t want their details to be shared or they work with you for 3+ month so you only work with a limited number per year then you can find yourself no with the same access to easy content. In this situation, it is important you have a content strategy where you have properly planned out the variety of content that should be published on a monthly basis is key.
As you can see there are numerous ways to approach selling your services and digital products, and it might be that you are too close to your own business and don’t have the breadth of knowledge to make the right decision – so let me help you. I’m a Chartered Marketer with over a decade of professional experience and I personally create all of my own content. So when you work with me you can confident to get a content strategy that is focused on making the most of your time, energy and money – but also have a plan that is easy to implement. For more information about how we can work together click here. |
That’s it! You now know 3 different ways to sell multiple services and products.
As I said right at the beginning having a well-thought offer suite, with strategic services and products, can help increase lifetime customer value and revenue. But you’ve got to make sure everything in your offer suite is marketed and sold.
I hope reading this blog post has helped you to think about how you’ll market every single service or product your business offers.
Let me know in the comments what your biggest takeaway is.
If you’d like to go further let’s work together.
Increase sales and revenue in your business
If you are serious about selling everything in your offer suite and increasing revenue in your business as whole then I’d love to help you. As a sales-focused marketing strategist I concentrate on helping online, service-based, business, owners to improve their marketing so they can make more sales, accelerate their business growth and build a business they love. So whether you are looking for a one-off Strategy Day or ongoing mentoring (with loads of support and accountability) I can help you. Check out how we can work together right now by clicking here. |