Want to know how to simplify your business for greater success? In an attempt to…
Want to know how to kickstart your business in the new year? I love the energy of a new year. There is something magical about having a brand new year ahead of you and the opportunity to make (virtually) anything happen. If you are like me, and love that new year energy, then I want you to make the most of it. Here are 5 ways to kickstart your business in the new year.
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1. Ensure the annual business goals are top of mind
A new year should mean your business has new goals. However, it is easy to fall into the trap of continuing to do things inside your business the way they’ve always been done, even if that no longer works for the future aims of your business. To reduce the chances of that happening it is key that the annual business goals are top of mind for you, and your team. If you set your goals in the previous year take a moment to remind everyone in the business what the goals are and then find a way to ensure everyone is regularly reminded of the annual business goals and they stay top of mind.
And if you didn’t set any goals – now is the time to do so. You can learn more about how to set business goals here.
2. Start by taking the most impactful actions first
The point of this blog post is to help you kickstart your business in the new year. It isn’t about moving at a steady pace but giving your business that supercharge at the beginning of the year. A great way to do that is by taking actions that create a big impact.
From your planning, you’ll have many actions you, and your team, can take. However, if you want to kickstart your business then your focus should be on taking the actions that you perceive to be the most impactful. Tasks usually aren’t equal. Some will have a bigger impact on your business than others. It is vital if you want to kickstart your business in the new year that you, and your team, don’t spend months focusing on the small, not-as-impactful, tasks. Start the year how you mean to go on. Start with the tasks that you believe will be the most impactful and see what happens.
If your business doesn’t already have a Q1 plan then check out my Q1 planning tips for small business owners here.
Start Strong is an intimate business accelerator for service-based business owners who have set themselves big goals for 2024 and know that they need to improve their marketing and consistently take action to have an outstanding first quarter that sets them up for a sensational year. Inside Start Strong you’ll get the training, support and accountability to follow your plan, smash your goals and set you business up for an amazing year! |
3. Get accountability
There is nothing like external accountability to help raise your game in business. One of the reasons why it can be easy for small business to plateau and get stuck at the same level for a continued perios of time is because there isn’t any accountability from anyone else to grow. Unlike big businesses that may have shareholders who expect results, you might be in a situation where it is just you or you and a small team.
As a small business owner, the likelihood is you are going to have to find another way to get accountability. And I know this seems odd since you may have created your business not to answer to anyone else. But the difference here is you are looking for accountability around the goals you’ve set. This is very much centred around helping you to build a business on your terms, But the reality is many human beings need external accountability in order to follow through on intentions.
If your business only needs accountability over one specific thing then you might make a public declaration, or sharing with a business bestie, is enough accountability. Another option if you want to really be held accountable over one, or more, things is to get accountability by working with a business coach or mentor, like myself.
4. Improve your business’ marketing
Marketing plays a major role in the success of a business. If any of your goals involved making more sales, increasing revenue, hiring a great team, working with better clients, increasing prices, successfully launching new services or products then improving the marketing of your business will help with that.
When it comes to improving the marketing of your business you have a two (or maybe) three options. You can improve your marketing skills and knowledge, hire someone else to do (some of) your marketing, or invest in helping a current team members to improve their marketing skills and knowledge.
Only you can decide what route makes the most sense for your business. However, if you are looking to improve your marketing knowledge and skills then I can help.
Start Strong is an intimate business accelerator for service-based business owners who have set themselves big goals for 2024 and know that they need to improve their marketing and consistently take action to have an outstanding first quarter that sets them up for a sensational year. As a Chartered Marketer I’ll give you the marketing advice and training to ensure you can market your business as effective as possible – to ultimately support your business growth and achieving your 2024 business goals. |
5. Simplify wherever possible
Another great way to kickstart your business in the new year is to review every aspect of your business and see if there are any processes or aspects that you can simplify. In business it is easy to overcomplicate things, especially as a business get older and more people join. However, overcomplication can make things less efficient.
Review your business and see where you can simplify. For example, it might be that you are currently have a complicated tech stack for your business and you could switch to a one-stop-solution like Kartra. Another example is you might currently be manually creating proposals and you decide to switch to standardised packages to save hours on proposal writing.
By making these types of simplifications you will hopefully free up time, energy and money that can be redirected to support the current goals of the business.
That’s it. You now know 5 ways to kickstart your business in the new year.
A new year is a great time to kickstart your business. Using the 5 recommendations from this blog post you can ensure that you business doesn’t continue at the same pace, but get a extra boost to really move it in the right directions towards your business goals.
Let me know in the comments what your biggest takeaway was.
Start Strong is an intimate business accelerator for service-based business owners who have set themselves big goals for 2024 and know that they need to improve their marketing and consistently take action to have an outstanding first quarter that sets them up for a sensational year. Start Strong is designed specifically to help you take strategic action that ensures you build momentum that gets you closer to achieving your annual business goals. Don’t waste that new year energy. Get the support, training and accountability to really take your business to the next level in 2024. |