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Are you inconsistent with your branding and marketing? Have you been making it up as you go along and hoping for the best? Well unfortunately I’m here to tell you that this attitude is killing your business. However, when you understand why it is harming your business you can make the necessary changes so keep on reading to find out Why inconsistent marketing is killing your business
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What is inconsistent marketing?
Inconsistent is defined as not staying the same throughout. There are a number of ways that you can be inconsistent with your marketing. Some common ways that coaches and consultants are inconsistent with their marketing are visual branding, messaging and publishing content.
An example of inconsistent marketing would be someone who has different branding across their social media profiles and their website. Another example of inconsistent marketing would be someone who posts every day on Instagram for a week and then doesn’t post for another month.
Hopefully, you now understand what inconsistent marketing is so it is time to find out why inconsistent marketing is killing your business.
1. People question whether you are still in business
Businesses around the world close every single day. The internet is full of websites and social media profiles of businesses that are no longer operating.
Now imagine for one minute that you have done a Google search and ended up on a website of a coach that you’ve never heard of. The coach in question seems to help people with your specific problem. You spot they have a ‘BLOG’ in their menu and since you never heard about them before you think you’ll read a few of their blog posts. You head over to their blog and you can see that they haven’t posted anything in months. What would you think?
Now if you are feeling super cheeky you might say that it wouldn’t make a difference to you and there are a percentage of people who won’t care. However, there is a percentage who definitely will question whether you are still operating. They’ll think you’ve just become another statistic of a business that didn’t make it past your first, second or fifth year in business.
2. Your ideal client considers you unreliable
Buying a service from a coach or consultant is risky. You give someone money in the belief that they will deliver the agreed service. This is why it is essential as a service provider that you are building the know, like and trust.
Trust and being seen as reliable work closely together. A great way to demonstrate your reliability is by consistently showing up for your online audience. If you are reliable in relation to showing up for your online audience, then people will believe you are reliable in delivering your services too.
When you are inconsistent with how often you are showing up online people will class you as unreliable. They’ll begin to question how reliable you are with clients.
3.Inconsistent marketing is damaging your lead generation
Marketing is a key way of generating leads in your business. One of the biggest mistakes I see coaches and consultants making is concentrating on their marketing whilst they need new clients and then stopping once they’ve filled their books. This might mean that for a few weeks they are evidently more active online. They are publishing lots of content and actively engaging with their community. Then once their books are full, they disappear again.
The fact is those books aren’t going to stay filled. To consistently get new leads then you need to be consistently marketing your business.
4. Inconsistent marketing is making it take longer to convert your ideal client.
Now as much as you would love for someone to buy from you the first time they hear of you the likelihood is they won’t. Different research shows different things, but everyone can agree that a potential client will need to have multiple touchpoints with you before they buy.
Inconsistent branding and marketing could mean that someone has engaged with you in multiple places, but doesn’t realise it is the same company. For example, you could have answered a question in a Facebook Group (where you are using your personal profile and therefore a personal photograph), then they see an Instagram Reel in their news feed, end up reading a blog post via Pinterest and then are served a Facebook advert. If you have inconsistent marketing, it would be very easy for this person to make no connection between those four interactions.
If you want your ideal client to convert quicker you need to make sure that your branding and marketing is consistent everywhere so that people can quickly realise you are the solution to their problems and buy.
5. You aren’t considered for collaborations and other opportunities
Collaborations will often go to a business that is top of mind. Someone is running a panel and they want a speaker on X. Now you might absolutely be able to speak on X, but has your marketing made that clear?
Inconsistent marketing ends up with people getting mixed messages. You might have mentioned it a few times, but it is one of seven messages so now they’ve forgotten.
Missing out on collaborations might not feel like a big deal for you right now, but collaborations play a key role in the long-term success of your coaching or consulting business. Collaborations will allow your business to be seen by a wider audience, help position you as an authority in your industry and build your peer network.
6. Inconsistent marketing slows your growth on social media platforms
Social media platforms ultimately want to keep their users on their platform for as long as possible. The longer users are on their platform the more they learn about their users and the more they can charge for advertising. With that in mind, what accounts do you think social media platforms want to thrive? The account that occasionally publishes new content or the account that regularly creates content. Now obviously if you regularly create content that no one engages with than a social media platform isn’t going to want to share your content with others. However, if you are already achieving good engagement on your content then ensuring that you are regularly publishing content will help you to excel on the platform.
7. People won’t refer your business to others
People refer others to businesses when they are confident that the business will be the solution. For someone to be confident that you are the solution they will need to be confident about who and how you help. Inconsistent marketing means people are confused. They might have a good idea of what you do, but a good idea isn’t good enough. For someone to refer you they need to be confident and that only happens when your marketing, especially your messaging, is consistent.
There you have it! You now know why inconsistent marketing is killing your business.
Hopefully, you can now see how detrimental inconsistent marketing is and hopefully, you want to do something about it.
The best way for you to be consistent in your marketing is to have a marketing strategy in place. A strategy will ensure that you are consistent in your branding, messaging, content and publishing.
Obviously, you can sit down and create a marketing strategy by yourself, but if you want support from a marketing expert then I’m here to help.
I run Intensive Strategy Days so that you can quickly get a new marketing strategy in place and get results fast!
Sound good? Book an Intensive Strategy Day here.
Looking for ongoing support instead? You can drop me a message here or if you would prefer to discuss your situation on a call then you can book a call here.