Want to know why growing your business doesn’t guarantee growing your wealth? Many people make…

Want to know how to impact more people as a financial coach? If right now you are offering financial coaching on a one-to-one basis the reality is you are limiting the number of people you can work with and impact. Now you might be OK with that, but given that you’ve decided to read this blog post I doubt that. Instead, I’m going to imagine that you dream of impacting more people and being able to make a bigger difference in the world. If that is you then keep on reading to find out how to impact more people as a financial coach, expert or educator.
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1. Offer a one-to-many service (with your live involvement)
If you are currently only offering one-to-one services then an obvious way to impact more people as a financial coach is by also offering one-to-many services. This will mean that rather than only being able to help one person at a time you’ll be able to help more people simultaneously.
For the purpose of this point, I’m going to be focusing on one-to-many services where you are showing up live. This means that those who participate will often have the ability to ask questions and get live, real-time, feedback. So this could be through workshops, a group programme or a membership. All three methods are commonly used by financial coaches so they can move from a one-to-one model to a one-to-many model.
Read more about moving from one-to-one to one-to-many services here.
2. Create a digital product
To go a step further down the one-to-many route you could look at creating a digital product. There are many examples of money coaches who have created digital products that have made a massive impact. There are two very popular choices in the world of personal finances: the course and the spreadsheet/template etc.
There are lots of examples where someone has created a course around a specific aspect of finance such as saving, getting out of debt, money mindset etc. It is also no surprise that there is a whole range of personal finance spreadsheets and templates to help people with budgeting.
If you are currently providing a 1-to-1 service and you want to create new offers so that you can scale your business then Fully Booked and Scaling is perfect for you! In this 6-month one-to-one programme, I’ll help you to choose, market and successfully sell your new offer(s). You’ll create a new income stream (which can be passive or recurring) without impacting the demand for your 1-to-1 service. |
3. Speak publicly
Another way you can impact more people as a financial coach is by speaking in public. Thankfully as it is becoming slightly less taboo to talk about money there are become increasingly more opportunities for money experts to take part in conferences, events and summits. Depending on the size of the audience you have the opportunity when speaking publicly to start impacting hundreds or thousands of people at a time.
If your goal is to speak publicly there are two routes you can take – get booked to speak at other people’s events or host your own events. If your aim is purely to speak in front of as many people as possible then speaking at other people’s events makes the most sense. However, if you want to have control over the whole experience you’ll want to host your own events. Hosting your own events will also give you the opportunity to generate revenue from ticket sales, as well as curate an experience that can enable you to successfully upsell your services off the back of the event.
4. Increase the reach of your online content
One of the easiest ways to reach more people and have a greater impact is through your online content. This could be long-form content (blog posts, YouTube videos or podcast episodes) or social media content.
As a business owner, you might have historically been using online content as a way to market your business, but if you started to think about it as a way to impact more people it could change your approach. If you want to impact more people you’ll be focusing on creating content that is sharable, might go viral and is highly valuable. Whereas, when you are balancing the need to use content to increase the awareness of your business and result in leads or sales you’ll have a wider variety of content that positions you as an expert and encourages people to buy.
I’m a Chartered Marketer that specialise in helping financial coaches and service providers. Money is personal so having strong marketing that attracts your ideal clients, and then builds the know, like and trust factor so they buy is essential. Following a cookie-cutter marketing strategy is going to result in you having a business that blends in with everyone else. If you are serious about changing the world and standing out in your marketing you need a personalised marketing strategy and I can create one for you. You can get a strategy created in just one day by clicking here. Or you can get your strategy created and then have 6 months of ongoing training, support and accountability by clicking here. Not sure what is best for your business? To discuss your business and your specific needs book a call here. |
5. Write a book
I’ve kept this suggestion till last not because it is the best, but because it is the one I want people to really think about. In recent years there has been a growing trend for business owners to write a book as a way to grow a business. In my personal opinion, this has resulted in a number of poor books being published. However, it is a strategy that works. I know that first-hand buying experience because I originally came across my money mindset mentor, Denise Duffield-Thomas, via her book Get Rich, Lucky B*tch (check out my review here) and then went on to spend thousands in order to be in her Money Bootcamp, take her Sacred Money Archetypes course and see her speak live.
So if you have the burning desire to write a book, you want to impact more people as a financial coach and you want to generate more sales in your business you could tick all three boxes by writing a book.
That’s it! You now know how to impact more people as a financial coach.
As you can see you’ve got a number of options if you are serious about impacting more people as a financial coach, expert or educator. Now you don’t have to do all 5 (and I wouldn’t recommend it). Instead you should think about your natural strengths and your future vision for your business.
In the comments, I would love to hear which way appeals to you most right now.
As a financial coach or service provider there is a lot you need to consider and juggle in order to build a thriving business. I have no doubt that from a financial perspective you are confident about running a profitable business, but business is more than just numbers. You need to be offering the right services, at the right price and have the right marketing and sales process. I’m a Chartered Marketer that specialises in supporting financial coaches and service providers to build businesses they love, that support long-term financial wealth, and that change the lives of their clients and the world as a whole. If you are looking for one-to-one personalised strategy, training and accountability to help you scale your business and impact tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of people then check out Fully Booked and Scaling. To find out more about Fully Booked and Scaling click here. And to discuss your precise needs book a free, no-obligation, introduction call to discuss your business here. |