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Hype Yourself A No-Nonsense PR Toolkit For Small Business By Lucy Werner - Book Review

Thinking about reading Hype Yourself: A No-Nonsense PR Toolkit for Small Business by Lucy Werner and want to find out whether it is the right book for you to buy. Keep on reading to find out more about the book.

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Thank you to Practical Inspiration Publishing who sent me a free copy of Hype Yourself.



In the beginning, Lucy talks about what PR is, what PR isn’t and the grey areas. She talks about why she decided to create the book and how ‘The Hype Yourself mission is to make sure that you are doing everything you can to showcase who you are’.  

The book is broken down into 4 chapters


  • Chapter 1: PR Plan
  • Chapter 2: Master your media toolkit
  • Chapter 3: Starting your press office
  • Chapter 4: The brain farts


Chapter 1: PR Plan

This chapter walks you through the foundations of creating a solid PR plan.


Chapter 2: Master your media toolkit

In this chapter, you will learn about the 7 things you need in your media toolkit.


Chapter 3: Starting your press office

Now that your PR plan and media toolkit it is now time to start taking action. In this Chapter, Lucy walks you through how to build your media database and then how to pitch your product, service or yourself.


Chapter 4: The brain farts

The final chapter touches on numerous different aspects of PR that don’t necessarily go together but are still informative and useful.


Whilst it might sound like a lot of information to take in the book isn’t designed just to be read. Throughout the whole book, Lucy will explain the concept, share examples and then gives you actions points and checklists. It is definitely a book that you need to set aside the time to actively work through.



Lucy Werner is a PR expert and founder of The Wern, a specialist communications consultancy and training hub for startups, entrepreneurs and independent brands.



Overall, I absolutely loved Hype Yourself. In fact, I read the whole book in just two days! Like Lucy, I’m passionate about helping small businesses and so I love business books that focus on small businesses rather than big brands. However, as a professional marketer, my natural instinct is to focus on marketing, so it was refreshing to remind myself about all of the opportunities that exist from a PR perspective.

The book is very easy to read and Lucy really does a great job of highlighting the benefits of PR, but also being honest about the work involved. Multiple times she talks about having to do your research. PR takes time, but when done correctly it can really make a difference to your business.



This book is a must-have for any freelancer, solopreneur or small business owners who wants to improve their PR. Lucy has written the book in a way that whether you are selling products or services the book will still be useful. It would be a great book for you to work through by yourself or with a small team.


If you like the sound of Hype Yourself: A No-Nonsense PR Toolkit for Small Businesses you can buy a copy for yourself by clicking here.


If you like the sound of you Hype Yourself: A No-Nonsense PR Toolkit for Small Business by Lucy Werner can buy a copy for yourself by clicking here.


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Charelle Griffith acts as a Marketing Mentor, Marketing Consultant, Marketing Coach and Marketing Strategist for freelancers, solo business owners, solopreneurs and small business owners. Charelle was born and lives in Nottingham, UK, but works with clients across the UK and worldwide. 

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