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How To Use Dynamic Content In Your Emails

Want to know how to use dynamic content in your emails? In this post, I will example what dynamic content is, why using dynamic content is a great marketing tool and how you can start using dynamic content in your emails.

How To Use Dynamic Content In Your Emails

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Dynamic content is content that is changes based on the interests, behaviours or preferences of a user.

The best example is Amazon. When you log into Amazon what you see on the homepage will be different to what I see. Mine will be mainly featured lots of books, stationery and tech equipment. That is because the main things I buy from Amazon are books and equipment to run my business.

When I logged in just before publishing this post my Amazon homepage said this



Now, why did Amazon think I’d enjoy You Are A Badass Every Day by Jen Sincero? Because I have the audible of You Are A Badass At Making Money (Check out my review here) and I have bought the paperback version of You Are A Badass (Check out my review here).

Quickly open up another tab and log in to your Amazon account. What do you see? Is it the same page or different from mine?



Hopefully, by now you can see how dynamic content works, but maybe you are thinking “So what Charelle? I’m not a big company like Amazon. Why should I care about using dynamic content?”. Well, think about it for a minute. Why would a company like Amazon have spent the time developing their site to enable dynamic content? Because it increases sales. And whether you are a small business or a big business your focus should be on increasing sales.

The reason why dynamic content increases sales is because people are being shown content that is relevant to them. Dynamic content allows you to create an increasingly more personalised experience and that is what people expect (especially online).



Firstly, in order to be able to use dynamic content, you need to make sure that your email service provider offers the functionality. Usually, it will be classed as dynamic or conditional content. More and more email service providers do offer this functionality, but if your provider doesn’t you can check out Mailerlite or Convertkit. Both of these providers allow you to use dynamic content in your emails.



At the beginning, I shared that the definition of dynamic content is content that is changes based on the interests, behaviours or preferences of a user. Therefore, in order to use dynamic content in your emails, you need to have information about the interests, behaviours or preferences of your subscribers.

Here are some pieces of information that you could use to inform dynamic content

  • Location
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Interests
  • Occupation
  • Marital status
  • Customer relationship: Never bought / Bought / Repeat Customer
  • Past purchases
  • Lead magnet
  • Website behaviour
  • Email behaviour


Some of this information you will be able to get inside your email service provider, some will involve you putting appropriate tagging on your website and other information might involve you actively asking your subscribers. Remember the more information you gather the more sophisticated you can get.



Before you start to build your email I would recommend you take a moment to plan your email in advance. If you are just starting out with dynamic content I would recommend you go with one of two options


1) Add in some extra dynamic content that is created for a specific audience

For example, maybe you have a mailing list that you send regular newsletters to (just like I do – head to the footer to sign up). It could be that you prefer to not be too salesy in your newsletters and instead focus on having high-quality emails that are full of value. However, you could use a dynamic content box to add that promotes your introductory service / product to people who have never bought from you before.


2) Use dynamic content to share a different message to different segments of your audience

For example, maybe you are running a live event in London. You could send an email that shows everyone in London information about the live event and everyone who doesn’t live in London information about how the event will be recorded and they’ll be able to gain access afterwards.



Once you have created a plan about what message you want to be shown to what people it is time to start building. Open up your email service provider and get going.



That’s it! Hopefully, this has helped you understand how to use dynamic content in your emails and I hope you are excited about all of the endless possibilities.

When used effectively dynamic content will allow you to send fewer emails, but still providing what can feel like a personalised, or at least highly relevant, email.

If your head is spinning and you would prefer to work 1:1 with an expert who will walk you through the best way to use dynamic content in your business then book a personalised marketing strategy day! Find out more about my Intensive Strategy Day.

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"If you don't build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs."

Charelle Griffith acts as a Marketing Mentor, Marketing Consultant, Marketing Coach and Marketing Strategist for freelancers, solo business owners, solopreneurs and small business owners. Charelle was born and lives in Nottingham, UK, but works with clients across the UK and worldwide. 

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