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Want to know how to take great photographs of yourself without an Instagram husband?
You know it is important to have pictures of yourself for your marketing. It could be for your website, blog content or social media content. The fact is we live in a world where photographs are an essential part of marketing and as a service-based business owner people want to see you. With that in mind, I wanted to share how you can take great photographs of yourself even if you don’t have an Instagram husband.
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What is an Instagram Husband?
Before I share the ways you can take good photographs of yourself without an Instagram Husband I want to make sure everyone knows what an Instagram Husband is and why I’ve written this post.
The term Instagram Husband is used to describe a person who takes photographs of a blogger or influencer. In the beginning it was mainly men taking photographs of female bloggers and influencers, which is why they were classed as a ‘husband’, but it can be a person of any gender take taking the photograph.
Is it possible to take great photographs of yourself without an Instagram Husband?
A few years ago I became so frustrated. I felt as if everywhere I looked people had great photographs of themselves that had clearly been taken by their Instagram Husband. I knew I needed more pictures of me for my content, but as a solopreneur who is also single and lives alone, I didn’t have anyone to be my Instagram Husband. As a result, I set out to find other people who had great photographs but didn’t have an Instagram husband. After some time I discovered that it is absolutely possible to great photographs of yourself without an Instagram Husband and below you’ll find xx ways below.
1. Hire a professional photographer
I’m sharing this option first because it is an obvious answer, but one that many business owners avoid. Photographers become photographers for a reason. They love taking pictures and If you get a branding or portrait photographer then they love making people look great. A good professional photographer will guide you through the whole process. They will help you choose what to wear, what props to have and what locations to use. They will have professional equipment (camera and sometimes lighting too), which will help ensure they take great photographers. And finally, in most cases, they’ll edit the photographs afterwards.
I’m mentioning this option first because it is a great option, but I am fully aware that for most business owners they don’t feel ready to invest in a professional photographer in the beginning. So if you are one of those people keep on reading.
2. Get a friend to take photos for you
Now I know you might be thinking isn’t that the same as an Instagram husband. In my eyes, an Instagram Husband is someone who spends a lot of time with you and is your go-to photographer. In this situation, you are going to ask a friend to take a few photos of you as a one-off. The friend you choose to take photographs could be anyone, but another option would be to do a photograph swap session with a business bestie. I’m always encouraging business owners and entrepreneurs to build a community of other people in business around them. Now hopefully you’ve followed that advice and have what I like to call ‘business besties’. It could be that one of your business besties also wants more photographs and in that case you could do a swap. You spend a few hours and you take photos of them and then they take photos of you.
The reason I think doing a swap session with a business bestie is better is because you can plan the session together and it is a great way to strengthen a relationship.
3. Use a selfie-stick
A great way of truly being able to take photos of yourself by yourself is with a selfie stick. As the name suggests it was designed to help people take better selfies. Essentially, you attach your phone at one end of a stick and at the other end you’ll have a button to click which means when you click the button the photograph will take. By having a selfie stick you will be able to take photos from further away than if you are holding a camera and also use a variety of angles.
4. Buy a remote control for your iPhone, android or digital camera
Whilst a selfie stick is great it only gives you a few extra metres. If you want to take pictures from further away the best thing to do is to get a remote control. I bought the Ex-Pro® Bluetooth Wireless Remote Control Camera Shutter Release. It cost less than £5 on Amazon and I choose this model because whilst it worked for my iPhone it was also meant to work with a camera. When I’m choosing equipment I always like to choose equipment that I believe can grow with my business. You can check out all of the equipment I use to create content here.
The remote is controlled by Bluetooth and it means when you press the button an image is taken. The range is 10m so it gives you lots of freedom. You just need to set your phone in the direction you want to take the picture in and then get into the shot and then click. It’s very simple to use, but just make sure that the remote isn’t in clear view (I made that mistake once before).
That’s it! Now you know it is totally possible to take great photographs of yourself without an Instagram husband and you know exactly how to make it happen.
I would love to know in the comments which method you are going to try.
When it comes to using photographs in your content it is great to plan ahead. I’m obsessed with getting a clear strategy and plan in place, which is why I run Intensive Strategy Days. An Intensive Strategy is a personalised intensive day where we work together to plan your marketing strategy for the year and usually content for 90 days. You can find out more and book an intensive strategy day by clicking here.