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Thinking about reading Good Vibes, Good Life: How Self-Love Is the Key to Unlocking Your Greatness by Vex King? Check out my review to find out what is inside of the book and make a decision about whether it is a book you should buy and read.
Why I picked up this book?
I bought this book as part of my HayHouse shopping spree on Black Friday. I don’t visit the HayHouse website very often, but with a 50% off discount, I thought I would check if there were any books I should buy. When I scrolled past Good Vibes, Good Life I instantly recognized the cover. I had definitely seen the book popping up on Instagram and since the subtitle included the word ‘self-love’ I thought I should give it a go, as self-love is something I want to learn more about. However, it is important to note I knew nothing about the author Vex King.
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In the beginning of Good Life, Good Vibes, Vex sets out by having a discussion about self-love and ensuring the reader understand his take on what self-love is. Vex’s definition of self-love is
“Self-love is the balance between accepting yourself as you are while knowing you deserve better, and then working towards it.”
And then he goes on to add that
“true self-love is when you appreciate where you are and who you are, regardless of any transformation you aspire to.”
Now whilst this wouldn’t have been my definition of self-love, I really related to this concept of balancing love for yourself today even if you are working towards being a better person. As someone who is committed to personal development and self-mastery, it is a constant challenge to balance to love who you are and your life right now when you are constantly looking at improving.
I thought it was important to share Vex’s definition of self-love as I think that his definition impacts what the book contains. To give you an idea here are the different parts of the book.
Part One: A Matter of Vibes
Part Two: Positive Lifestyle Habits
Part Three: Make Yourself A Priority
Part Four: Accepting Yourself
Part Five: Manifesting Goals: Mind Work
Part Six: Manifesting Goals: Taking Action
Part Seven: Pain and Purpose
Each part is broken down into smaller sections, with each section being a max of 7 pages. This means that the book covers lots of topics that you’d find in many other personal development or self-improvement books such as Law of attraction, dealing with negative people, surrounding yourself with positive people, daily habits, changing your environment, affirmations, changing your beliefs, the power of thought and of course, setting goals.
Not only does the book contain small sections, but it is also smaller than your average paperback, and it has pages dedicated to one quote. This makes it a book that I would class as an “easy read” non-fiction book.
Overall, I thought this book was OK. I had picked up the book because self-love is a topic I’m really interested in. However, I felt that focused less on self-love and more on achieving greatness. Now I love the topic of achieving greatness, however, this book didn’t add many new concepts rather than providing top-level information with some personal stories.
However, I did get some great quotes from the book. Vex has a nice writing style and as you would expect from a self-proclaimed Instagram guru (that is what it says in the book’s blurb) he knows how to write quotes that are rememberable and shareable.
One of the reasons I felt this book was just OK was because the subtitle threw me. However, I think if you are looking for an introductory book to personal development then it would be much more enjoyable (which is why I think I saw it so much online). If you haven’t read much about self-love, personal development, self-improvement, the law of attraction etc and want to get started this book could be a great choice for you.
If you like the sound of you Good Vibes, Good Life: How Self-Love Is the Key to Unlocking Your Greatness by Vex King can buy a copy for yourself by clicking here.
This book is the February 2020 Book of the Month for PropelHer’s Book Club.
The discussion will take place on Monday 3rd February. To become a member of PropelHer’s Book Club and take part in the discussion click here.