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A question I get asked a lot is “Does my website need a blog?”. As a small business owner the fact is you can’t take advantage of every type of marketing. You just don’t have the time and money for that to be possible. So you have to make a choice about what marketing to use and what to leave. A something most small business owners are aware of and consider is having a blog on their website. Keep on reading to find out whether you do need a blog on your website.
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In order to answer the question “Does my website need a blog?” it makes sense to look at the pros and cons of having a blog for your business.
The pros of having a blog on your business’ website
Enables you to demonstrate your expertise
A major advantage of blogging for your business is that you have a place to demonstrate your expertise. Whereas on social media you are limited by the amount of words you can write in a blog post you can write as much as you would like. This means you can go into more detail and really demonstrate your expertise.
Opportunity to rank for more keywords
If your business website is just a few pages (home, about, services, contact) then you are going to be limited in relation to the number of keywords your site can rank for. With every blog post you write you can decide what keyword to optimise that blog post for (using SEO techniques) so that it can rank. As you write more blog posts you’ll have the opportunity to rank for more keywords.
Increases chances of people sharing your website
On the whole, no one wants to share a business’ website with other people. But do you know what people like to share? Valuable and helpful information. By having a blog on yoru business’ website you can create high-quality content that people want to share. And since this content lives on your website when people follow the links they are sent they’ll be able to consume the valuable content and also easily find out more about your business and what you sell.
Increases time on site
As a business owner you want more people on your business, but also you want them to spend a longer time on your website and a having a blog on your website can help to do just that. If you are writing in-depth blog posts people will easily start to spend minutes rather than seconds on your website. And if you have good internal linking structure you can make the time on site even higher.
Gives you high-quality content to share in other places
Having a blog on your website gives you something else to mention in your other marketing. For example, if you are already marketing your business on social media then you can have posts that tell people about your latest blog post. In the same way, if you send out mass marketing emails you can let your subscribers know about your latest blog posts. This enables you to have something to talk about in additional to your services.
Sales Beyond Social is a marketing accelerator where in just 6 weeks you’ll learn how to master using the content marketing trifecta (blog, email and social) and have a multi-channel marketing approach that increase visibility, clients and total revenue. |
The cons of having a blog on your business’ website
It takes time to create high-quality blog posts
There is no denying that to create and publish high-quality blog posts takes time and effort. The creation process will mean you have to plan, research, write, edit and build each blog post. If you are just used to creating social media posts then in the beginning this will feel like a lot of work. But there are ways to streamline the process.
You are responsible for driving people to your blog posts
For your blog posts to work you need people to read them and that means you have to drive people to your blog posts. This means you’ll need to have a plan about how you’ll promote. It might be that you share your blog posts on social media or include them in your emails. You can also learn search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques so that your blog posts can rank in search and people will organically discover your blog posts that way.
So does my business’ website need a blog?
You’ve read the pros and cons of having a blog on your website but still might not know whether you should or shouldn’t have a blog on your website.
Without knowing your specific details here is what I would say:
No business NEEDS to have a blog on their website. But having a blog on your website is good for business.
So if you are able to make it happen then you should. And you can start small!
Many business owners I talk to put off starting a blog because they’ve seen the bigger businesses that commit to posting 1+ blog posts per week and they just can’t see that happening. But you don’t have to start that way.
There are two ways to approach starting your blog. You can start small and consistent or you can go into batching mode.
Small and consistent – You can start by posting one per month. Sit down and think of 6 blog posts that would be super useful to have on your website and then commit once a month for the next 6 months to writing a blog post. Then at the end of the 6 months review. You might feel you are able to up your frequency to one a fortnight or week.
Batching – If you don’t want to commit to adding something into your weekly or monthly marketing routine you could give batching a go. This is a strategy I’ll often use with clients if they have an evergreen service or product. Sit down and think of 6-10 blog posts that would mean you can seamlessly add a call-to-action to buy from your business. Then batch that blog posts, publish and then do another batch in the future.
Sales Beyond Social is a marketing accelerator where in just 6 weeks you’ll learn how to master using the content marketing trifecta (blog, email and social) and have a multi-channel marketing approach that increase visibility, clients and total revenue. |
My personal experience of blogging for business
I started blogging for my business in 2018. I wasn’t someone who was fond of writing, but I knew that it is was a smart move to have a blog on my website and then to continually write blog posts (which on the whole I would optimise for search). Over the years I have been able to rank in the top 10 for numerous keywords and have even had my blog posts as the featured snippet on Google.
My websites’ performance on search means that new people are constantly becoming aware of my business. And because I am strategic about what I blog about this enables me to build my mailing list, get enquiries and sign new clients.
On average 65-70% of my website traffic comes from organic search. And that is thanks to continually writing blog posts since 2018. It’s a great feeling to know that if I didn’t “show up” on social media new people would still be finding my business.
And whilst I blog predominately for search purposes and driving organic traffic I will also write blog posts to help strengthen email sequences, to generate affiliate income and enable me to write quality answers to the things I’m frequently asked. This helps improve my conversion, save time and make additional revenue.
And then as a cherry on the top I’ve won awards for my blogging.
In 2020 I was named Blogger of the Year by Digital Women, and then Content Marketer of the Year in 2022.
That’s it! You now have an answer to “Does my website need a blog?”.
Your website doesn’t need a blog, but it is highly recommended. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages of having a blog on your website so you should look to make it possible. And as discussed you can start small. Yes it is great if you are able to post 1+ blog posts per week, but you don’t need to be blogging at that volume in order for it to be valuable for your business.
Start small by committing to one per month or even creating a batch and then forgetting about it for a while.
I hope you’ve found this blog post valuable. In the comments let me know what your biggest takeaway is.
And if you want to start blogging for your business and would like help to do this in the most efficient and effective way possible join Sales Beyond Social.
Sales Beyond Social is a marketing accelerator where in just 6 weeks you’ll learn how to master content marketing so you have an online presence that is setup to generate sales for months and years. |