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Are you trying to work out how to use the Clubhouse App to benefit your business?
Maybe you are waiting to get into the app and are fed up of hearing people raving about how Clubhouse has helped their business to blow up or maybe you are already in Clubhouse but not really sure how people are managing to generate new clients and sales from it. If any of the above resonated with you are in the right place. Keep on reading to find out how to use the Clubhouse App to benefit your business.
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Now maybe you haven’t got inside Clubhouse yet and are just intrigued by all of the hype so I thought it was worth explaining what Clubhouse is first.
What is Clubhouse?
Clubhouse is an audio-only social media app. It was created by Paul Davison and Rohan Seth, and first released in April 2020.
Conversation is central to Clubhouse and they happen in two ways. Firstly, there are rooms. This is where groups of people meet and every room will have at least one person on the stage as a speaker and then others as listeners. This is where the majority of the action takes place. However, there is the option to have a 1-on-1 room with a contact, if both of you are following each other.
How can I join Clubhouse?
At the moment Clubhouse is an invite-only app. This means if you want to get a profile, you’ll need to find someone with a spare invitation. When someone joins Clubhouse they are first given two invites and they can be given more (currently no one is 100% sure how people secure extra invites).
Interestingly the person who invited you to be on the platform appears on your profile and you are able to keep going back and back and see your whole nomination chain.
How to use Clubhouse to benefit your business
1. Optimise your Clubhouse profile
Like other social media apps once you’ve joined you’ll have the ability to update your profile. However, unlike Twitter and Instagram you are restricted to a tiny profile (it feels so freeing!).
In fact, the more you put on your profile the better since everything is searchable. This includes words, as well as emojis.
To ensure your Clubhouse profile is going to benefit your business it is essential that you make the most of your profile. This means sharing firstly what you do and who you help. You might want to also direct people to other places. Clubhouse allows you to directly add a link to your Instagram or Twitter. However, if you have a lead magnet or Facebook group you could also add those details in there.
2. Be in other people’s room
Approach 1: Go into rooms that are around your expertise.
Once you’ve got your profile set up it is time to start joining rooms. In a room there are two types of people: speakers and listeners.
If you go into a room that is around your expertise, then it is a great place for market research (especially if that room is allowing people to go onto the stage and ask questions). It is very similar to being in a Facebook Group and getting to hear first-hand what people are struggling with. You may decide to just listen and use it as a researching tool. Or you could put your hand up and see if you are accepted to join the stage. You might have the opportunity to add value to the conversation.
Approach 2: Go into rooms that your peers are in
Another way to use Clubhouse to benefit your business is to use it grow your network of peers. Currently, Clubhouse is full of entrepreneurs and business owners. You can find rooms that are attracting your peers and join. Here you will be focusing on checking the profiles of people in the room and then starting conversations on other platforms. This is why it is important for you to have a good profile as other people will be in rooms doing the exact same thing.
3. Run your own Room
If you really want to use Clubhouse to benefit your business, you should run your own rooms. Your room = your rules! Running a room means that you get to set the topic, which should ideally be demonstrating your expertise and interest your ideal client. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask others to join your room as a moderator if you choose to do so.
4. Create a Club
Running rooms is great but if you really want to make the most of Clubhouse you should create a club. People are able to become members of clubs and when you create rooms you can create them under the banner of your club. The added bonus of a Club is that you can offer the opportunity for others to run rooms under your Club. At the moment you can’t just create a room. You have to apply and the application form is here.
Want to work out the most effective way to use Clubhouse alongside your current markerting.
Book a free discovery call with me today.
Why I’m loving Clubhouse
I wanted to quickly add why I’m loving Clubhouse and believe it has masses of potential for service-based business owners.
1. You aren’t having to create content
One of the biggest advantages for me personally is joining Clubhouse hasn’t felt like an additional place I have to create content for. Unlike most social media platforms you can’t post. People can’t visit your page and see what you have posted. Instead, everything happens in real-time. You go into a room. You listen and / or speak. You leave the room.
2. There is no way for people to DM you
Another massive plus for me is that there isn’t an extra inbox I’m having to look at. People aren’t able to send you a message. They are able to invite you to a private room, but that is it. In fact, the lack of DM features means that people are taking conversations off Clubhouse and onto Instagram or Twitter (since you can directly link to those platforms in your profile).
3. It is increasing my Instagram followers and the conversations I’m having in the DMs
Since people can’t have conversations on Clubhouse people are coming over to Instagram following me there and having conversations in my Instagram DMs. This is perfect for me as I’m super proud of my Instagram and I monitor my DMs regular. I see this as a major benefit because it is actually driving more traffic to my preferred social media platform.
4. It offers great networking opportunities
Since lockdown, I’ve definitely been networking a lot less and I miss it so much. Whilst I do network on other social media apps the Clubhouse App feels differently. Firstly, it is easy to find people who are interested in similar topics since rooms have themes. Then you might hear someone say something you agree or disagree with and can follow up with them based on that. Also, I feel as if there is the ability to come across people I’ve never known before. Whereas in Facebook and Instagram I feel the algorithm means I see the same people and even with Facebook Group posts I know only certain ones go into my main feed. Clubhouse seems to have opened up the world. A further bonus is by attending rooms between 8am and 11am I am able to meet lots of UK and Europe business owners since most Americans are asleep.
There you have it! You now know how to use the Clubhouse App to benefit your business
As with any new social media platform or app none of us know whether it will be a momentary trend or become a major player in the landscape for years to come.
As a small business owner your time is limited (and precious) so you have to work out whether it is worth investing time into using Clubhouse. However, if you decide to do so come and find me.
Connect with me on Clubhouse – my username on @charellegriff
In the comments, I would love to know how you think Clubhouse could benefit your business or how it is already benefitting your business.