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Want to know why your business needs a multi-touch marketing approach? Maybe you’ve just heard the term multi-touch marketing approach or it is something you’ve known about for a while but now you are considering using it for your own business. Either way you are in the right place. Keep on reading to find out what a multi-touch marketing approach is and why your business needs a multi-touch marketing approach.
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What is multi-touch marketing?
Multi-touch marketing is where a business will use a variety of channels, or touchpoints, to reach a potential customer or client. Rather than relying on a single interaction, multi-touch marketing is designed around the fact a potential client or customer will engage with a business multiple times before buying.
Why multi-touch marketing?
1. Increases conversion rates
A multi-touch marketing approach will increase conversions. The amount of interactions someone needs with a business before buying varies. If you are attempting to market your business via one interaction then whilst a small percentage may buy there is likely to be a lot of people who would buy if they have more interaction with your business. Therefore by increasing touch points you’ll increasing conversion rates too.
2. Shortens the buyer journey
As already mentioned most people don’t buy from one interaction. The stats from different research varies but on average you are looking at 7+ interactions with a business before someone buys. A multi-touch marketing approach will enable those interactions to happen in a shorter period of time so will shorten the buyer journey.
Sales Beyond Social is a marketing accelerator where in just 6 weeks you’ll learn how to master having a multi-channel marketing approach (across email, long-form content, social and search) that increase visibility, clients and total revenue. |
3. Improves brand awareness
Whilst the primary purpose of using a multi-touch marketing approach is for sales there is no denying that it also helps considerably with brand awareness. This brand awareness helps with sales, but also with recommendations, referrals etc. So even if someone doesn’t necessarily buy from your business by then having multiple interactions with your brand they are likely to have a better understanding of your business, and better recall, which helps for them recommending and referring.
4. Build trust
As a business you need to be building the know, like and trust factor and a multi-touch marketing approach helps to build trust. Buying from a business is risky, especially when buying online. You are asking someone to give you money on the basis that in return you’ll give them what they are paying for. There are stories all the time of people NOT getting what they paid for. Imagine the difference between buying from a business that you saw a social media ad for and then couldn’t find anything else when you Googled them versus Googling and then finding a website, some other social media profiles and a podcast. Which one would you trust more?
5. Reduces over-reliance on a single channel
Multi-touch marketing uses a number of marketing channels and / or platforms. When done correctly it will mean that your business isn’t over reliant on a single channel, which is important. Being reliant on one marketing channel, whatever it may be, is risky as any changes can have a huge impact on your business.
By using a multi-touch marketing approach you’ll be making sales from different marketing channels and / or platforms. Naturally this will mean you aren’t reliant on any one channel, but instead be in a strong position where you make sales from multiple channels and if anything happens to one of your channels it will only impact a percentage of your sales.
That’s it! You now know what a multi-touch marketing approach is and why your business needs a multi-touch marketing approach.
As you’ve seen there are numerous reasons why your business needs a multi-touch marketing approach. If you are currently relying on one marketing channel hopefully this will have inspired you to think about moving to multi-touch marketing approach in the future.
And if you’d like help to make this happen come and join SALES BEYOND SOCIAL.
Sales Beyond Social is a marketing accelerator where in just 6 weeks you’ll learn how to master using a multi-channel marketing approach that will increase visibility, clients and total revenue. |