Want to know how to simplify your business for greater success? In an attempt to…
Want to build the ‘Know, Like and Trust’ factor through content? Buying something online is a leap of faith. You are essentially giving someone money in exchange for a promised service or product. So if you want to make more sales then you should be focusing on building the ‘Know, Like and Trust’ factor and the content you create can help you to do that. Keep on reading to find out how to build the ‘Know, Like and Trust’ factor through content.
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1. Show your face
It still amazes me how many small, service-based, business owners are still hiding behind their logo. If you are the only person providing the service in your business then part of the reason someone will choose your business over someone else – is because of you! Therefore, stop hiding behind your logo. Get your face out there and give people the opportunity to connect with the person behind the business.
2. Create video content
If you want to go a step further from showing your face and supercharge building the ‘know, like and trust’ factor through content create video content. When you create video content people are able to see and hear you. This enables a connection to happen faster, and for you to be more memorable. And you need to be remembered if you want people to come back, recommend and refer you.
Want more help to get started with video marketing? Read this blog post – How to get started with video marketing
3. Demonstrate your expertise
This is the type of content most business owners are already creating, but you want to make sure you are regularly creating content that demonstrates your expertise. By creating valuable content that showcases your knowledge and skills not only will you be creating content that will build trust, but you’ll also create content that will encourage people to follow you and share your content with others.
Without a solid content strategy, you can spent a lot of time creating content and see little results. As an award-winning content marketer, who does all of my own marketing, and a Chartered Marketer, with over a decade of professional marketing experience, I’m able to make content with a solid strategy to ensure sales, but in a modern way that will cut through today’s busy online world. And the best bit is it doesn’t have to take forever. In fact, I run content strategy days (evergreen content and launch content) so you can get an overarching content strategy and then a launch or 3-month content plan in just one day. |
4. Share your brand values
Increasingly people want to buy from businesses that have similar values so if you aren’t already making your brand values obvious then it is time to start doing so. Your business shouldn’t appeal to everyone and by sharing your brand value it will make some people feel closer to your brand and make other people think that your business isn’t for them. That’s a good thing!
5. Consistently publish content
Not only does what content you post matter, but how often your post matters too. To be clear consistent looks different for every business. For example, in my business I have released a new blog post (just like this one) every single Wednesday for years! My email subscribers know every Wednesday they’ll get an email from me and it will include a link to my latest blog post.
Sidenote: if you aren’t already on my mailing list you can join by clicking here.
In your business it might be that you post 3 times per week on social media or that you send out a newsletter once a month. The regularity matters more than the frequency. If you say how often you’ll be publishing new content makes sure you stick to that schedule.
A great way to improve your content consistency is by planning in advance. If you aren’t already planning your content in advance grab a copy of my Content Marketing Plan Workbook by filling in the form below.
6. Provide Social Proof
A great way to build trust through your content is buying sharing social proof. Social proof can be captured in a number of ways, such as a video testimonial, a screenshot of what someone has sent you or a review or recommendation on a verified site such as Google or LinkedIn.
By gathering, and sharing, social proof people will see how others have benefitted from using your business. They’ll see that previously you have delivered on your promise and this will increase their belief that the same would happen if they bought too.
7. Maintain a consistent brand throughout all of your content
The ‘Know, Like and Trust’ factor builds over time. As someone consumes more content from your brand the ‘Know, Like and Trust’ factor should grow. Historically, when talking about sales people mentioned a person needing 7 touch points in order for someone to buy. Nowadays, different research will recommend a different number of necessary touchpoints. But regardless of the exact number of touch points you want to make sure that every time someone engages with your business they know it is your business.
That might sound a bit weird, but if you are creating content on multiple social media platforms, running adverts, sending emails, and recording podcast episodes you want to make sure that someone knows that all of these things are coming from the same business. This is where having a consistent brand is key. This is achieved partially through the visual brand and partially through your brand tone of voice. By ensuring these are consistent it will maximise the chances that someone will be able to connect the dots and recognise they are interacting with the same business even if in a different capacity.
Sometimes you are too close to your own business to see what is missing from your content. When you work with me before making your new strategy you’ll get to understand how your business is seen from someone outside of your business. Then I’ll help you to improve your online presence and then ensure your marketing strategy is aligned with your business goals. For more information about how we can work together click here. |
8. Actively Engage
Whilst you can focus purely on creating and distributing content, if you want to build the ‘Know, Like and Trust’ factor through content then it isn’t just about creating and publishing in a vacuum. You need to engage with your followers, listeners, watchers, audience etc.
This can start with something as basic as responding to the comments you get on your content. But then you can take it further by actively asking your audience to get involved. You can run a poll on a social media platform like LinkedIn or Instagram so people can vote about what will be the focus for your next webinar. Or you could go do a live Q&A where people can ask their questions and get responses in real time.
9. Give a Glimpse Behind-The-Scenes
Most people are nosey and love to get a glimpse into what is happening behind-the-scenes. As a small business owner it can be tempting to think that you can only share what is “perfect”, but that is so far from the truth. By creating behind-the-scenes content you’ll have the opportunity to humanise the brand, as well as making people invested in the future of your business.
That’s it. You now know 9 ways to build the ‘Know, Like and Trust’ factor through content!
Building the ‘Know, Like and Trust’ factor is key if you want to make sales in your business, and by being able to build it through your content rather than one-to-one conversations you’ll be able to scale your marketing efforts and make more sales with less time involvement.
Let me know in the comments what your biggest takeaway is.
Creating great content is just one thing you have to master in order to run a thriving online business. As a Marketing Strategist and Online Business Mentor I help online, service-based, businesses to grow and scale thriving businesses that they love running and generate the money of the dreams. I I do this through helping clients to think and act strategically from everything from offers, pricing and marketing. To find out more about how we can work together check out my services here. And to discuss your precise needs book a free, no-obligation, introduction call to discuss your business here. |