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Heard lots about content marketing but not using it yet in your business?
Considered it is just another distraction and not really sure how it can benefit your business?
If so, you are in the right place. Keep on reading to find out 11 benefits of consistent, high-quality content marketing.
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Before I delve into the benefits of content marketing I want to make sure you fully understand content marketing.
According to the content marketing institute,
Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.
If you want to find out more about what content marketing is I have a whole blog post explaining content marketing in more details. You can read the full post here.
Google will love you more
I don’t know about you, but I love free traffic. Especially free good-quality traffic and that is exactly what Google can send you. By consistently creating content and housing it on your website you’ll be building a richer website. Every new page that you create will be able to rank for new keywords. Over time this will mean your website is indexed for increasingly more keywords and as a result receive increasingly more traffic to your website.
Consistently creating content builds your credibility
Have you ever come across a new podcast, blog or YouTube channel and loved the first things you listened, read or watched? Then you think “oh I wonder what else they have created” and then see hundreds more podcast episodes, blog posts or YouTube videos. Instantly you think this person knows what they are on about.
Having a binge-able amount of content will mean that people will see you as credible and it also means they are more likely to consume more content and as they consume what they have created they’ll really understand how great you are (as long as you are great of course).
The easiest way to build up a bank of content is by being consistent. It is amazing how by being consistent you’ll build up your bank of content to a level you a proud of.
High-quality content will increase visitors time on site
Now I know you think your service is exciting, but seriously if your website consists of only a home, about, services and contact page then you can’t expect a visitor to spend a lot of time on your website. When you have a wealth of high-quality content on your website then you are giving your visitors a valid reason to stay on your website for longer.
It provides you with something to share on social media
Creating content for social media can feel like a never-ending challenge. Day after day you are expected to come up with more ways to grow and engage your audience. When you are consistently creating high-quality content you can use that content to help structure your social media calendar and regularly have something new to be sharing.
Gives you a reason to regularly email your mailing list
Have you ever thought “I haven’t emailed my mailing list in forever, but I don’t have anything new to say?”. When you are consistently creating high-quality content that won’t happen. Lots of business owners will have a flagship piece of content that they release on a weekly basis. For me, that is a new blog post every Wednesday. They will then email their mailing list about every time they published a new piece of flagship content.
Now you might think that is a bit excessive because surely the people are already following or subscribed. However, people are busy, they turn notifications off etc. Also, when you email your mailing list about the flagship piece of content you can go into more detail about why you created it, what inspired you, what they can expect, who it is ideal for and so much more.
Content can help move people through the buyer’s journey quicker
Buyers don’t usually appear out of thin air. In most cases, you’ll need to take people on a journey to buy, which is called the buyer’s journey. There are three main stages of the buyer’s journey:
- Awareness
- Consideration
- Decision
When you are consistently creating content it gives you the opportunity to make content for all three stages of the buyer’s journey and by having content for the consideration and decision phase you can turn people into buyers quicker.
Generates leads
When you create the right high-quality content you’ll attract the right leads to your business. To create this type of content you’ll really need to get into the mind of your ideal client and think about what they would be searching to find the solution to their problem. If you are creating content that begins to helps them with their problem, but also highlights the service that will totally help them solve their problem then you should generate more leads for your business.
Gives people something to share
Do you wish you weren’t the only person actively waving the flag for your business and trying to get yourself in front of new people? Well, when you produce great content you make it easy for other people to become advocates of you.
Most people aren’t going to tell their friend to check out a website they’ve just come across. However, if you create an amazing blog post, podcast episode or YouTube video then they might feel inspired to share it and say “I just read/listened/watched this and thought you might find it interesting/helpful/useful”.
Producing high-quality content will make it easy for other people to recommend you to others. Your content will be shared across the world without you having to actively do something once you’ve originally created the content.
Allows you to show a more personable side
Content marketing is a great way to share a bit more about yourself. I work predominately with coaches, consultant and service-based business owners. In reality, virtually all of these businesses there will be someone offering the exact same service, so the differentiating factor is you. Creating content allows you to showcase your personality, as well as share personal information to allow people to connect to you on a more human level.
Now I know some people freak out when I say share personal information. However, how much you share is totally in your control. I’m not saying you have to become an influencer and share every minute of your life. However, you can just sprinkle in some personal information to help people connect with you more.
Have great resources to share
Earlier I mentioned how having great content allows others to be able to recommend you, but having great content also allows you to share. I have a few blog posts that I’ve specifically written to address questions that I often get asked or often get asked online. This means rather than me going into lengthy answers on email, DMs or in a Facebook Group I can point people in the direction of a blog post I’ve already written. For example, I’m passionate about supporting soloprenuers so I wrote a post called “Why I am a Marketing Strategist for Solopreneurs”.
Another example is I created a post “Why Later is the best free Instagram scheduler?” is because people are always asking in Facebook Groups “What scheduler should I use for Instagram”. Now I’m able to say Later and then say to find out why check out my blog post. As you can imagine this saves me so much time, whilst also providing value to the individual who asked the question.
Content marketing allows you to do very strategic retargeting adverts
On the whole content marketing sits in the organic (free) world of digital marketing. However, great marketing can also support your paid advertising, especially when it comes to retargeting.
Retargeting adverts are online adverts that are served to people who have previously visited a website or a contact in your mailing list. Have you ever looked at a piece of clothing and then it keeps popping up everything? That’s a retargeting advert!
A common way for solopreneurs and small business owners to set up retargeting adverts is in Facebook. Now whilst you can set an advert based on a visitor viewing any page on your website, you can get a bit more strategic and set us adverts based on the specific page they land on. This is where having great content can supercharge your retargeting capabilities. For example, if you have multiple services in your business then you can create different adverts promoting different services based on what pages they’ve visited.
There you have it! You now know the 11 benefits of consistent, high-quality content marketing.
Hopefully, you can really see how valuable creating consistent, high-quality content for your business can be. The key thing to remember is these are the benefits of creating consistent and high-quality content. This isn’t about creating any old content, slapping it online and then hoping for the best.
To create consistent, high-quality content you need a content marketing strategy.
You can absolutely make a strategy all by yourself. However, if you would rather work with an experienced marketer to create your content marketing strategy then book a content strategy day.
A content strategy day was created specifically for business owners who are serious about creating strategic content that positions them as an expert in their industry, builds the right audience and results in more clients.
If that sounds like you then you can drop me a message here or if you would prefer to discuss your situation on a call then you can book a call here.