If you are currently trying to grow your business profitability should be your real focus…

Want to know what ‘being consistent in your marketing’ means? If you are marketing your own business you are likely to have come across a marketing expert telling you that it is important to be consistent when marketing your business. But what does that actually mean? Well you are in the right place as I’m going to be sharing what it does and doesn’t mean. Keep on reading to find out what ‘being consistent in your marketing’ means?
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‘Being consistent in your marketing’ does not mean posting daily on social media
Before going into details what ‘being consistent in your marketing’ means I want to bring up the idea that to be consistent in your marketing you have to be posting daily on social media. This is one of the biggest myths when it comes to consistency and social media marketing – and it makes so many business owners think they can never be consistent in their marketing because posting daily is unachievable.
So to make it absolutely clear you do not have to post daily on social media in order to be consistent in your marketing. The frequency that you publish content – whether that be on social media, via emails or on a blog, podcast or YouTube channel – is one of the factors to look at when trying to be consistent in your marketing. But it is just one factor and posting daily is absolutely not a requirement.
If you want to post daily that’s great – and I have been posting daily on LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok for years – but it is by no means a requirement.
Now that myth has been cleared let’s move on to what ‘being consistent in your marketing’ is.
1. A regular frequency for publishing content
One aspect of ‘being consistent in your marketing’ is having a regular frequency for publishing content. This is especially important if in advance you have announced what people can expect if they follow you, join your mailing list or subscribe. The frequency you choose is entirely up to you and if you are running your business and doing your marketing I’d highly recommend that you start by committing to less and then build up over time.
In my business I publish a new blog post every Wednesday and I have done since 2020 (You can check out all of my blog posts here). And then I also email my mailing list on a Wednesday to tell them about my latest blog post. I tell people that the best way to keep up-to-date with my latest blog posts is by joining my mailing list as they’ll be notified every Wednesday when a new one is released (If you want to join my mailing list you can do so here) and so if for some reason one Wednesday I decided not to publish a new blog post or email my list then that would be an example of inconsistent marketing.
Be consistent in your messaging
A key part, and often the most overlooked part, of ‘being consistent in your marketing’ is your messaging. This is especially important for small businesses that don’t have a brand that instantly makes people think of something.
As a small business you need to be consistent with your messaging so that people can get to know what your business does and stands for. Consistent messaging on one platform or channel will help your business to be known for something quicker. Consistent messaging on multiple platforms or channels will help improve the chances of people recognising your business when interacting in different places.
Of the three aspects of ‘being consistent in your marketing’ that are explored in this blog post consistent messaging is the most overlooked. Part of that is because most businesses haven’t taken the time to identify their key messages. Another reason is that messaging nowadays is likely to happen through multiple mediums. You could be writing blog posts, emails and social media captions, but also recording videos and podcast episodes. If you, as the business owner, are speaking and writing about your business you need to ensure that the two match. This is why it has never been more important to write as you speak. I know this is difficult and no one is expecting your written and spoken word to be exactly the same, but the closer you can get them to each other the better.
Messaging is a central part of any content strategy, and without it you a solid content strategy you are likely to be wasting time, energy and money. As an award-winning content marketer, who does all of my own marketing, and a Chartered Marketer, with over a decade of professional marketing experience, I’m able to make content with a solid strategy to ensure sales, but in a modern way that will cut through today’s busy online world. And the best bit is it doesn’t have to take forever. In fact, I run content strategy days (evergreen content and launch content) so you can get an overarching content strategy and then a launch or 3-month content plan in just one day. |
Have a consistent visual brand
Another part of ‘being consistent in your marketing’ is ensuring that you have consistent visual branding. On the whole, people need to see and interact with your brand multiple times before buying with you. With the right marketing you can make a sale from the first interaction, but that is rare. And therefore it is important, especially if you are marketing your business across multiple platforms and channels that the person who consumes your content or interacts with your business realise that all those touchpoints were with the same business.
For this to happen you want to make sure you have consistent visual branding. This does not mean you have to spend thousands on getting a brand developed. Whilst that is great and if you’ve had your business for a little while and are ready to formalise your brand then great. But if you aren’t, don’t worry you can be consistent in your visual branding without having a brand created by a designer.
The key with being consistent with your visual branding is keeping things simple. Have a small colour palette that you stick to using. Use a limited numbers of fonts across all of your marketing. If you have a logo use that wherever appropriate. Make sure the imagery you use has a similar feel. By keeping things simple and using the same colours, fonts and imagery you’ll be able to DIY visual brand consistency.
And I know this because I’ve never worked with a brand designer to get a brand created. Yet I’m always getting people saying how consistent my brand is. That is because I have kept things simple and wherever possible try and stick to my limited colour palette and fonts.
Not sure how to create a colour palette? I used the tool coloors.co and love it. Give a go for yourself by clicking here.
That’s it! You now know what ‘being consistent in your marketing’ means.
Consistency in your marketing is key for building increasing sales, reducing the time it takes for someone to buy and for selling higher ticket offers. And in a world where people are consuming more and more on a daily basis, consistency really needs to be a priority so your business can be recognised and remembered.
By focusing on the three areas mentioned above you’ll be making a great start at being consistent in your marketing.
I hope you’ve found this blog post useful. Let me know in the comments what your biggest aha moment has been.
Learning how to successfully market your business is just one thing you have to master in order to run a thriving online business. As a Marketing Strategist and Online Business Mentor I help online, service-based, businesses to grow and scale thriving businesses that they love running and generate the money of the dreams. I do this through helping clients to think and act strategically from everything from offers, pricing and marketing. To find out, and apply for my 1:1 business and marketing mentoring click here. |