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You Are A Badass At Making Money by Jen Sincero - Review by Charelle


Early on in my journey of researching money making books I came across You Are A Badass At Making Money by Jen Sincero. I read Jen Sincero’s first book, You Are A Badass, on holiday in 2016 and was so disappointed. Lots of people had been raving about the book so I finally gave in and it just didn’t have the transformational effect it had on others. So I was hesitant, but when a friend said she would send me the audiobook for free I thought I had nothing to lose.

In You Are A Badass At Making Money: Master The Mindset of Wealth, Jen shares her money story from broke to wealth and believes she can help you to change yours too. The book focuses on your mindset towards money. Whilst Jen is honest about how she paid thousands of dollars for coaches and invested lots of money into building her profile, her brand and her company, for her the transformation was a result of her changing her mindset.

Early on in the book, she refers to reading Wallace Wattles’ The Science of Getting Rich (you can read my review of The Science of Getting Rich here) and coming across the quote:

 “Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich”.

When she originally read that quote she was disgusted, shut the book and for years continued to make very little money. However, a few years later she re-opened it and it totally changed her life. She realised that Wallace was right and she needed to stop feeling pride around being broke, because honestly there was nothing to be proud about. Jen says

“One of the biggest obstacles to making lots of money is not a lack of good ideas or opportunities or time, or that we’re too slovenly or stupid, it’s that we refuse to give ourselves permission to become rich.” 

And why would you not give yourself permission to be rich? Because you are carrying round negative beliefs towards money. Some of the beliefs Jen had and no doubt many other people have to are:

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees
  • Money causes stress
  • There is never enough money
  • Always have a backup plan
  • It’s lonely at the top
  • You can’t make money doing x


I mean, why would anyone want to be rich if they believed all of those things? So Jen started to face those negative beliefs head on and began to apply lessons from the law of attraction into her life.

Jen is very honest that her journey for making money was uncomfortable. She believes that the real secret is you have to take huge, uncomfy risks. You have to do stuff you’ve never done before, to make yourself visible, to acknowledge your own awesomeness, to risk looking stupid”.

She pushed herself outside of her comfort zone to grow her company, gain big clients and make the money she had always dreamed off.

As with any mindset book, it wouldn’t be complete without some affirmations. At the end of each chapter there are suggested money mantras:

I love money and money loves me.

I love money because it is the root of so much awesome

I love money because money is always here for me

I love money because it comes when I call

I love money and I am grateful every day that it is surrounding me with its glorious goodness

I love money because I am a fearless, badass, money making machine.

I love money because it lets me be, the most be I can be

I love money and I will not give up until I am surrounded by all the wealth I desire.

Along with the money mantras, as any good success coach would, Jen sets you some tasks. Some of these are journalling tasks, whilst other require you to take action.

Although the focus is on Jen’s journey at the end of every chapter Jen shares a Success Story. This is a story of someone else who has been able to transform their money situation and make money!


Final Thoughts

What I loved about this book is that Jen is a fabulous storyteller. Whether it was the goats who had managed to get into a house and trash it, or the gauze around her injured toe, which she refused to pull off. Jen has a fabulous way of using every day stories and then relating it back to money.

You Are A Badass At Making Money was my first audiobook. If you haven’t already used Audible, you can access a free 30-day trial here. Now, I have been avoiding listening to audiobooks for a while. Whilst I appreciate you can get through more books by listening to the audio than by reading the physical book, I don’t believe you absorb the book in the same way. It is also more difficult from a reviewing perspective to not have a text to refer back too. However, I feel listening to the audio version of the book may have contributed to me enjoying this book more than Jen’s first book, if for nothing more than I loved her voice.

Overall, if you have read other money mindset books then Jen doesn’t bring a lot of new advice to the table. However, she writes in a very informal, friendly tone and by appearing ‘ordinary’ it helps to feel as if you could replicate her rise to riches for yourself.

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"If you don't build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs."

Charelle Griffith acts as a Marketing Mentor, Marketing Consultant, Marketing Coach and Marketing Strategist for freelancers, solo business owners, solopreneurs and small business owners. Charelle was born and lives in Nottingham, UK, but works with clients across the UK and worldwide. 

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