Want to know why growing your business doesn’t guarantee growing your wealth? Many people make…

Want to know how to attract high-ticket clients for your business? In an effort to increase revenue in your business (or work less), you might have created some high-ticket services or offers, but it is pointless having high-ticket services or offers if you then aren’t able to attract clients who are willing to buy those high-ticket services and offers. That’s why it is important to learn how to attract the right type of people who will pay those prices. Keep on reading to find out how to attract high-ticket clients for your business.
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Clarifying what I mean by a high-ticket
Before I share how to attract high-ticket clients in 2024 I wanted to quick share what I class as a high-ticket client. There isn’t a rule about what makes a service low-ticket, mid-ticket or high-ticket service. However, a common price point, that is mentioned in relation to high-ticket services is the 4-figure mark. So if you are selling a service that is £1,000+, $1,000+ or €1,000+ then you can class that as a high-ticket service.
Have an offer that solves a problem people are willing to pay for – and pay that much for.
Before even looking at how to use marketing to attract high-ticket clients for your business it is vital that you have a high-ticket offer that people actually want. So often business owners will pluck an idea for a high-ticket offer out of thin air and then set about turning it into a reality without knowing if anyone is willing to pay for it.
Instead of doing that you should do some market research. Make sure the offer you are creating solves a genuine problem, a problem people are willing to pay to be solved, and that they are willing to pay that much.
Get super clear on your ideal client
Once you are confident you have a high-ticket offer that people want and people are willing to pay for you’ll need to get super clear on your ideal client. This is important when selling any type of services, but especially when you are trying to attract high-ticket clients you’ll want to make sure that your marketing resonates with them. You want your offer to seem perfect for them. That requires having strong messaging and the clearer you are on your ideal client the easier it is for you to make sure you use the right messaging in your marketing.
You could decide to make an ideal client avatar. This is essentially a fiction person who would be the perfect client for your business. By considering a range of demographics and psychographics you can create what feels like a well-rounded person and then when creating your marketing you’ll be able to create with that person in mind.
To successfully sell high-tickets services you need the right high-ticket services and the right marketing and sales strategy. In a Strategy Day I’ll help ensure your high-ticket service works alongside the rest of your offer suite, is priced correctly, and you have a clear strategy for marketing and selling those services. So if you want complete confidence with the services you offer, your ability to sell them and that you’ll smash your financial goals – book a Strategy Day. |
Create content that will resonate with high-ticket clients
I was very intentional about the title of this blog post. I could have said “How to win high-ticket clients” or “How to sign high-ticket clients”, but I purposefully chose “How to attract high-ticket clients” because I’m writing about using an inbound marketing approach. If you’ve never come across the term inbound marketing before it is used to describe an approach to marketing where a business create useful content, predominately organic (unpaid). This is opposite to outbound marketing where a business will uses predominately paid marketing options to get in front of people. In inbound marketing the focus is on pulling an audience, whereas in outbound marketing the focus is on pushing ads onto consumers.
Creating content, in some shape or form, is key if you want to attract high-ticket clients. But it is easy to accidentally find yourself consistently creating content, but still not attracting high-ticket clients. To attract high-ticket clients you need to make sure your content resonated with them. This is why having a strong understanding of your ideal client is key. This will ensure your messaging is made for them.
For example, a money coach could be creating content around saving. However, crearting content that is about saving money to pay off debt, saving money to buy your first home and saving money to buy a rental property will attract different types of people.
Often when creating content for high-ticket clients it is about small shifts in your messaging. But those small shifts make all the difference. It needs to be obvious that your offer can solve their exact problem.
Build trust through your online presence
Buying always requires trust. Someone gives you money in faith that you’ll provide what is promised. When you are dealing with low-ticket offers some people will take a bit of a risk. They might have some doubts, but at the lower price point, the financial loss is less so more people are willing to risk it. But as your price increases trust becomes more important. This is especially important if people are committing to working with you for an extended period of time or will be sharing sensitive information with you.
Your job is to make sure your online presence creates trust. There are lots of different ways to build trust, but to get you started here are some things to consider.
Do you have a website that is as professional as your business is?
If you Googled you and/or your business is your online presence cohesive and reinforces the same message?
Are you seen as someone who keeps their word?
Do you have social proof (bonus points if on verified sites)?
Sometimes you are too close to your own business, which is why I will do an online audit for new clients. It might be that you think your online presence is great right now, but your sales are suggesting something else. When you work with me before making your new strategy you’ll get to understand how your business is seen from someone outside of your business. Then I’ll help you to improve your online presence and then ensure your marketing strategy is aligned with your business goals. For more information about how we can work together click here. |
That’s it. You now know how to attract a high-ticket client.
As mentioned at the beginning being able to attract high-ticket clients in your business can enable you to make more money, without necessarily having to work longer or harder, and it can massively improve your experience in your business. It’s cliche but I’ve found that those who pay more are better clients. So whether you’ve been thinking about adding a high-ticket offer to your business or you’ve got one, but aren’t making enough sales – keep on going. Learning to how to attract high-ticket clients will change the future of your business and your life.
I really hope this blog post has got excited to master attracting high-ticket clients.
If you’d like to go further let’s work together.
Master attracting high-ticket clients
If you are serious about attracting high-ticket clients then I’d love to help you. From the beginning of my business I’ve always focused on mid and high-ticket services. Marketing to high-ticket clients runs through all of the work I do. So whether you are looking for a one-off Strategy Day or ongoing mentoring I can help you. Check out how we can work together right now by clicking here. |