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Atomicon 2024 - Review And Takeaways

On Monday 17th June  2024 I headed up to Newcastle for Atomicon 2024. Having attended Atomicon in June 2023 I was excited to return. Keep on reading to find out about my biggest takeaways and review of Atomicon 2024.


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Day 0: Pre-Events 


Mass TikTok dancing

As an avid TikToker (you can check me out at @charellegriffith) I was super excited last year to take part in the mass TikTok, which was arranged by TikTok consultant Penny Walker. So this year I was delighted to see that Penny was doing the same again this year.

However, whilst in 2023 the sun was SHINING as 30+ business owners met in front of The Gateshead Millennium Bridge the story was very different this time.

We managed to learn the dance in the dry, but as soon as we started film the rain came – and it did not stop.

Check out the video of me trying to run over The Gateshead Millennium Bridge to safety here.

@charellegriffith I love getting to record TikTok’s with other people  Thanks @Penny – Video Marketing Pro for organising a mass TikTok dance again.  It’s a shame the weather wasn’t on our side but I still had fun. #rain #marketer #businessowner #ohnonononoo #ohno ♬ Oh No – Kreepa



Big Community Mixer

Given how many people head to Atomicon it is a great opportunity for other (predominately) online communities to have an in-person meetup. This year the online communities that met up included The Marketing Meetup (which I love), DigitalWomen and The M Guru’s JFDI club.


Pre-Party (Jazzy Shirt)

Then it was time for the main pre-event the pre-party. There is the optional dress code of a jazzy shirt, but I’d gone for a jazzy jacket instead, which went down a treat.


There was a food truck outside so you could get some food, a bar so you could order some drinks and hundreds of people milling around to chat to (and of course get a photo with).


Day 1: The Real Event


Takeaways from the sessions I attended


A Journey of Resilience and Reinvention – Davina McCall

I’d booked Atomicon long before they announced the keynote speakers and when Davina was announced I was especially excited. Don’t get it wrong I think Davina is great, but I couldn’t see the connection between her career and running a small business. However, I’m happy to report that I found her interview very enjoyable. Obviously, Davina is a natural speaker and her interview was filled with great soundbites.

Biggest takeaway: Be true to yourself and keep on going.


BE SEEN: Build an Unforgettable Brand with Courage and Authenticity – Jen Gottleib

I’d never heard of Jen Gottleib before and had no idea what time of business she ran or brand she had. But very quickly I could tell Jen was a greatstoryteller, which isn’t surprising since she goes live every day whilst doing a GRWM (Get Ready With Me).

Jen’s talk was a motivational speech based around her story of building a  brand and how she faced fears of going live on Facebook and that played a key factor in the success she has today.

Biggest takeaway: Visibility is your responsibility. In this world we don’t have to wait for someone to give us a stage. We can build it and we can make ourselves visibility.



Liking the sound of Atomicon so far? If so,  get a ticket for 2025 (I’ve already got mine).

You can find out all the official information about Atomicon 2025 and buy a ticket by clicking here.



How to use Instagram Reels and TikTok To Generate Leads – Keenya Kelly

I love short-form video and am an avid TikTok user so when I saw that Keenya Kelly would be speaking at Atomicon I knew I would be there. I was fortunately enough to grab a front row seat and I wasn’t disappointed.

Keenya is a natural public speaker and her talk was full to the brim with content and personality.

Biggest takeaway: Focus on one thing (microlearnings)


The Art of High Ticket Selling – Suzy Ashworth

I’m a big Suzy Ashworth fan and have been to her 3-day event The Quantum Shift in the past so I knew what to expect from Suzy. She talked about the power of having a high-ticket offer, that in every audience there are people who want to buy premium and speaking directly to your dreamboat client.  Then she shared her 3 step process for selling high-ticket offers.

Biggest takeaway: Intimacy is your friend not foe. It’s easy nowadays to focus on marketing that is aimed at the mass market and automated. But with high-ticket you can afford a higher degree of intimacy. Do personal invitations, small intimate workshops etc.


Public Speaking: How to reach more of your ideal client, gain credibility and earn more money through publich speaking – Dani Wallace

I’d heard Dani Wallace’s name pop up quite a few times in the last few years so when I saw her on the speaker’s list I knew I wanted to check her out – and definitely once I saw it was about public speaking (which I love to do).

Dani shared how the key with public speaking was to have a structure from which to deviate. She then proceeded to share a structure that had formed the basis of her talk, and that we could then use in the future.

Biggest takeaway: It doesn’t have to be absolutely perfect. Unless you are giving a TED Talk it doesn’t have to be the same as in rehearsal. Make sure you hit the key points, but know that things will go wrong (or different) and that is fine.


Radical Confidence: How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Do the Dam Thing by Lisa Bilyeu

I’m embarrassed to admit this but I’ve had Lisa’s book Radical Confidence on the bookshelf for some time and still haven’t read it so again I had no idea what to expect.

Lisa shared her story of building a business with her partner and alongside that 5 rules for building radical confidence.


Biggest takeaway: We will never really know why someone says NO so don’t take it personally as it might not even have anything to do with you.


Review of Atomicon 2024

Atomicon 2024 seemed even bigger in terms of attendees than 2023, which reinforces the value of the conference. It is marketed as one of Europe’s largest conferences and definitely compared to most of the conferences I go to in England it is big (and that is valuable).

Speaker wise I felt as if I was greatly inspired, but went away with less tangible actions points than I did in 2023. This may partially be due to the talks I attended when there were multiple happening at the same time.

But the beauty about Atomicon is everything is recorded so you can always catch up on the ones you missed once you’ve returned home.


That’s it! You’ve heard my review and biggest takeaways from Atomicon 2024. 

Atomicon 2024 definitely felt different to 2023 (You can check out my review of 2023 here). I’m not sure whether it was because the weather wasn’t as good or because I had expectations this year, which I didn’t the year before.


It’s not that one year was better than another, but they definitely felt different.


That being said I still think Atomicon is a great event for small business owners in the UK and so I’ve already booked my ticket for 2025.


Atomicon 2025 will be taking place on Tuesday 10th June 2025 with the pre-events on Monday 9th June 2025.


>> You can find out all the information about Atomicon 2025 and buy a ticket by clicking here.



And if you are coming say hi on LinkedIn so I can keep my eye out for you next year.


I’m a Business and Marketing Strategist that specialises in helping online, service-based business owners to run thriving online businesses.

If you want to work with amazing clients, make great money and have a business that supports living your best life – I can help you!

To find out more about how we can work together check out my services here.  


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"If you don't build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs."

Charelle Griffith acts as a Marketing Mentor, Marketing Consultant, Marketing Coach and Marketing Strategist for freelancers, solo business owners, solopreneurs and small business owners. Charelle was born and lives in Nottingham, UK, but works with clients across the UK and worldwide. 

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