Want to know why growing your business doesn’t guarantee growing your wealth? Many people make…

Want to know how to align your business goals with your personal vision for the year ahead? As a small business owner your business is likely to play a big part in your life. And so it is important to ensure that your business goals and personal vision align. Otherwise rather than having a business that supports you to live your dream life you can have a business that makes it harder for you to live your dream life. Keep on reading to find out how to align your business goals with your personal vision for the year ahead.
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Step 1: Create a clear personal vision for the year ahead
If you want to ensure that your business goals align with your personal vision then you’ll first need a clear personal vision for the year ahead. It might be that you currently have a personal vision for many years ahead, or you might have some ideas about the year ahead. Either way that is a great starting point, but the aim is to focus specifically on the year ahead and make decisions about any of those ideas you might have.
To help you to create a clear personal vision for the year ahead you can try doing an exercise like your perfect day or week. These exercises push you to think about what your life would be like over a day or week, in an ideal scenario. After you’ve done one of those exercises you can then start to get more specific about the lifestyle you want to live.
Then you can ask yourself some questions such as:
- Are there any specific things you want to achieve in the next year?
- What are your non-negotiables for the year?
Step 2: Assess your business goals
Now that you’ve got a clear personal vision it’s time to assess your business goals and see if they align with your personal vision.
Here you want to identify the goals that are aligned and the goals that are misaligned.
Examples of aligned goals
If you have the personal aim of increasing the income you pay yourself from the business so you have more money to spend as you please. And then in the business you’ve set a goal to increase revenue by 50% across the year and to specifically increase monthly recurring revenue by 25% so you have more predictable income then that would be an example of aligned goals.
Another example would be if you have decided that you want to travel more – and you are happy for that travel to be some leisure and some business. And then you set the aim of getting booked for 5 international speaking gigs. Getting those international speaking gigs would be supporting your personal goal of travelling more.
Examples of misaligned goals
If you have said you want the freedom to travel whenever you want and work from anywhere, but then you’ve committed to running in-person events or are offering one-to-one services in your hometown then this is an example of misalignment.
If you said you don’t want to work during the school holidays, but are offering a monthly service where you would have to work every month (therefore not able to take the whole of August off) then again this is example of misalignment.
Sometimes it is very obvious if a goal is or isn’t in alignment. If in doubt class it as misaligned. By the end, you want a list where every goal has been identified as aligned or misaligned.
That is exactly what can happen when you book a 2025 Strategy Day! I have a tried-and-tested process that I’ve used for years that ensures that in just one day I can help business owners to create a plan that priorities results inside their business, and enables them to live a great life outside of their business too. All you have to do is fill in a questionnaire beforehand and then turn up on the day. I’ll then lead you through the whole process and write everything down – making it super easy for you! For more information and to book a 2025 Strategy Day click here. |
Step 3: Adjust your misalign goals
Once you’ve highlighted the goals that aren’t supporting your personal vision it’s time to adjust those goals. In some cases you can make shifts that will enable to goal to go from misaligned to aligned. And sometimes it might be that you have to change the goal altogether.
For example, if one of your personal goals is to work no more than 30 hours per week and based on your current business goals that feels impossible you can either change your business goals so what you are left with feels feasible within 30 hours. Or you could make the decision to hire someone meaning all of the goals can still happen, but hiring that person means they’ll take on some of that workload and you’ll be able to stick to your 30 hours.
Step 4: Create rules, or boundaries, to support achieving your personal vision
Sometimes it isn’t your business goals are misaligned, but that in an effort to achieve your business goals you will take misaligned actions.
For example, you might:
- Offer to work with a client at a time you don’t want to
- Take on too many projects within a short time span so end up overworking
- Collaborate with someone doesn’t have the same boundaries around communication times
To stop this from happening it isn’t about changing your business goals, but having clear rules or boundaries around your work. You can have boundaries around when you work, when you don’t work, how you work, who you work with and so much more. Find out more about how to set boundaries in your business here.
That is exactly what we can do together when you book a 2025 Strategy Day! I have a tried-and-tested process that I’ve used for years that ensures that in just one day I can help business owners to create a plan for the whole year ahead. All you have to do is fill in a questionnaire beforehand and then turn up on the day. I’ll then lead you through the whole process and write everything down – making it super easy for you! For more information and to book a 2025 Strategy Day click here. |
5. Review every 3 months
Unfortunately it is easy, especially when you are passionate about your business, for the best of intentions to slip. That is why you should review at least quarterly your business goals, your personal vision and your current experience in the business. By committing to doing this quarterly you can make it part of your quarterly planning process.
Remember it isn’t just about ensuring your goals are still aligned. Hopefully those will stay aligned for the year. Usually it more about ensure what is happening inside of your business, and how you are attempting to achieve those goals is still aligned.
That’s it. You now know how to align your business goals with your personal vision for the year ahead.
As a small business owner the power is in your hands to build a business that enables to live your life to the fullest and fulfil your personal vision year after year. But it requires you to be intentional and make decisions not just for the good of the business, but keeping your personal vision in mind.
I hope this blog post has helped you to see what is possible when you are intentional.
Let me know in the comments what your biggest takeaway has been.
And if you are serious about making 2025 an amazing year in both business and life, book a 2025 Strategy Day. For all the information, and to instantly book, a 2025 Strategy Day click here.