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Want to know how to use AIDA model in your social media marketing?
Whilst AIDA is a marketing model that was established long before social media even existed it doesn’t mean that the model isn’t relevant for social media marketing. Below I’m going to explain how you can use the AIDA model to be strategic with your social media marketing content.
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The AIDA model is a marketing model that is used to show the steps on an individual goes through in order to become a customer. The acronym stands for
By using this framework you can ensure that every piece of content have a purpose and is helping to move people along a journey to become your customer. Below you’ll find out what to do at each stage.
One part of your social media marketing strategy should be focused on making new people aware of you. To do this you can:
- Using hashtags – Choosing the right hashtags will mean that your posts have a wider reach than your immediate followers. This means there is an opportunity for new people to see your posts via a hashtag and find out about you and your business
- Ask people to tag other people – You’ve probably seen social media posts that say ‘Tag a friend who XXX’. This sort of post is designed specifically to increase the reach and have relevant new people see their posts. By being prescriptive in your caption you can increase the probability of the right type of person being tagged and most people will look at posts that they’ve been tagged in by friends.
- Run paid adverts – Paid adverts are a great way to put your business in front of new people. Most social media advertising platforms will allow you to run adverts, but ensure they aren’t served to people who already follow you on that platform. This means you can create adverts specifically for people who you know will be coming across you for the first time (or if they have come across you before they haven’t compelled enough to follow you).
- Ask people to share a post – On platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook where you can share a post you can encourage people to do so. Whenever someone shares a post it can now be seen by all of their followers, thus increasing your risk.
Making someone aware of you and getting them to follow you is just the beginning. In most cases, in order for someone to buy from you, you’ll need to continue to build the relationship. You want to make people interested in you and your services, and then ultimately make them want to work to buy from you.
Unlike awareness content, content that is designed to build interest and desire will be more in-depth. Some examples are:
- Going into detail about your services – You can’t expect everyone to know what you offer. From time to time you’ll have to make it clear what you offer and what the benefits of your services are
- Case studies from previous clients – This enables people to see exactly what experience and transformation they could get by working with you.
- Sharing personal stories – People buy from people and in a world where there are other people selling exactly the same thing as you it is important to show your personality as that will help someone realise if you are a better fit for them than someone else.
The final part of your social media marketing strategy should focus on getting people to take action. By this point, your interest and desire focused content should have people engaged with you and hopefully read to buy, or at least take the next step. Whilst they might be ready most people don’t take action on their own accord. You need to tell people what you want them to do. Some example actions are:
- Buying something
- Booking a discovery call
- Requesting further information
- Sending you a DM
- Joining your email list
- Visiting a blog post
- Listening to a podcast episode
- Watching a video
- Registering for a webinar or masterclass
There you have it. Now you know how you to use the AIDA model to be strategic and intentional with the content you create for your social media marketing.
Has reading about all the types of content you need to create is overwhelming don’t worry I’m here to help. You can find out how to work with me ongoing or via an intensive strategy by clicking here.
Has reading about all the types of content you need to create is overwhelming don’t worry I’m here to help. You can find out how to work with me ongoing or via an intensive strategy day by clicking here.