If you are currently trying to grow your business profitability should be your real focus…

If your marketing is stuck in a rut then it might be time to make some changes. Change doesn’t have to be massive to make a difference, sometimes a small tweak can make all of the different. Check out 5 marketing changes you could consider making in your business to help improve your marketing and improve your business growth.
Social media platforms are constantly evolving. There was a time where you could only open a Facebook account if you had a higher education email address. Oh, how things change! That means that just because a platform was full of your ideal client when you started your business doesn’t mean they are still there now.
Take a look at official statistics that show you the breakdown of users by age, gender or location. Check out the number of active users, the average time spent on the platform and how often people log in. All of this data will help confirm you are in the right place or highlight a new platform you should be using.
Personally, I’m going to be shifting my focus over to LinkedIn. The organic reach on LinkedIn is great and I love that if people comment on your content it is seen by people who don’t follow up. Your reach is bigger than your network, which is important for me. Also, it is a platform that makes sense for my business because it is full of service-based solo business owners (freelancers, solopreneurs etc).
So think about where you are right now and whether that is still the best fit. And if you are on LinkedIn feel free to check out my company page or my personal profile.
I constantly emphasise the importance of consistency and say that as a business owner whether you are full-time or not yet you need to show up professionally, which is means being consistent. You need to be reliable. Now I always say that consistency looks different to everyone and only you can make the choice about what your frequency of posting should be.
In an ideal world, I would suggest that you create high-value content weekly, email your mailing list weekly and then create content a minimum of 3 times a week on your primary social media platform. I class that as the ideal, but I realise it isn’t realistic for everyone or every brand/business. For example, currently I only blog and email twice a month (on the 1st and 15th). I made this choice because at the time I was creating a weekly blog and email for PropelHer and releasing a new podcast episode every Friday for Free and Figuring It Out. In 2018 I had been blogging weekly, but I knew as I added in a weekly podcast show that it was going to be too much.
Be realistic with yourself! It is better to set a frequency you can manage and be consistent then be overambitious and then let people down because they are expecting you. And remember you can change your frequency. It isn’t set in stone but try as best as you can to set something you can see yourself sticking to for a least 3 months.
Maybe you are absolutely happy with the platforms you have chosen for your high-value content (blog, podcast, video) or for social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). However, maybe you should reconsider the type of content.
For example, a platform that I and my client use a lot of Instagram. However, Instagram is constantly evolving. At one time it was all about the perfectly curated Instagram feed. Now there is a much bigger emphasis on Instagram stories. And even if you are using both the feed and stories what type of content are you creating. Are you posting graphics? Are you posting pictures? Are you posting boomerangs? Are you creating videos? Are you creating captioned videos?
For years everyone has been saying that video consumption is on the rise. Are you taking advantage of that trend or do you need to start making more video content?
If you haven’t done any paid advertising yet then maybe now is the time to start doing so. I see nothing wrong with not using paid advertising in your business at the beginning. I know budgets are tight and more importantly, you don’t yet know what converts. However, if you have been creating organic content for a while hopefully you will have been able to see a pattern between what attracts people. If you have a lead magnet that people love it is time to start advertising it. Unlike traditional advertising (print, radio, outdoor, TV) which costs thousands and thousands of pounds, you can usually start digital advertising very cheaply. Rather than dismissing it all together take a look and see if you could add in an element of advertising to save you time. Remember once it is set up advertising can work for you 24/7 with little intervention.
And if you have already been using paid advertising use this moment to check your options. New formats may have been introduced or they might be new ways to target. Check to make sure you aren’t missing out on anything.
Do you have a healthy mailing list but a low open rate? It saddens me to see people who low open rates because I know how much effort can go into creating an email and it is pointless if no one is opening it to read it.
Think about how you can change your subject lines. Some things you can try are: adding emojis, asking questions, introducing curiosity, making bold statements. Try them all a few times and see if it makes any difference to your open rate.
There you have it. You now know the 5 marketing changes you could consider making in your business.
Don’t feel equipped to make an informed decision alone about what to change? Don’t worry I have your back. That is why I run Intensive Strategy Days. In just one day I will help you to create your marketing plan for the next quarter, 6-months or year and help you to choose the right methods, frequency and content. Find out more about the Intensive Strategy Day.