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Want to know what my 2023 marketing predictions for small business owners are? Every year reports of the marketing trends for the next year come out. These reports are primarily aimed at big businesses that spend millions on marketing and as a small business owner, it can be hard to see how the trends are relevant to you and your business. Whilst some aren’t relevant, some are and I want to help you to focus on those that are. Keep on reading to discover my 2023 marketing predictions for small business owners.
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Marketing prediction 1: More written content will be created using AI
Throughout 2022 more and more AI writing software hit the market and then whilst writing this in December 2022 there is a lot of noise about ChatGPT. This trend doesn’t seem to be going anywhere and for a good reason. Writing content for marketing, whether it be for emails, blog posts or social media captions is a time-consuming activity. AI drastically reduces the time you have to spend on writing, so you can imagine the appeal for businesses small and large.
Why this is important for you as a business owner: If you haven’t used AI to create content then now might be the time to give it a go. I haven’t created any content yet using AI, but I don’t think it will be long before I do. Using AI to write your content will enable you to save time, which is something small business owners are always looking to do. As using AI for written content becomes more mainstream and users online are aware of the fact content is being written by a computer rather than a person it will mean the written word loses value and will result in you needing to include other types of content (video and audio) in your marketing
Marketing prediction 2: The demand for short-form video on social media platforms will continue to rise
The use of short-form video within social media marketing continue to rise in 2022. Throughout the year Pinterest started paying creators in some countries to create Idea Pins (which are short-form videos) and whilst YouTube Shorts already existed going into 2022 there was definitely a major focus on getting more creators using YouTube Shorts in 2022. From a platform perspective, the message is clear they want users to be creating short-form videos.
Why this is important for you as a business owner: With platforms continuing to put a bigger focus on short-form video if you aren’t creating short-form video then you are missing out. If you are using Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube or Pinterest then in 2023 you need to ensure you are making some short-form content. If you don’t currently have the skills to create short-form video or the confidence to go on camera then now is the time to sort that out.
Start Strong is an intimate group accelerator for established online, service-based, business owners who are ready to take their content marketing to the next level in 2023! We’ll cover everything from content strategy, content planning, content creation and content analysis to ensure that you are able to improve the quality of your content and generate more sales. So if you are ready to seriously commit to being consistent and using your content as a lead-generation or sales tool then check out Start Strong. |
Marketing prediction 3: There will be more distribution on social media platforms
2022 saw Instagram go through an identity crisis and annoy a lot of users (including the Kardashians) and Twitter go through a wild journey as the result of being bought by Elon Musk. Both of these situations were a clear reminder that building your business on social media, especially on one social media platform, is very dangerous. The reality is business owners know this. For years people have warned business owners of the dangers of relying solely on one platform, but seeing two platforms really struggling this year was a stark reminder.
Why this is important for you as a business owner: If you are currently heavily reliant on one social media platform for your marketing then this is a sign to diversify your marketing in 2023. Diversification could mean marketing across multiple social media platforms. It could also mean diversifying by building an email list and creating long-form content that you can house on your own website, such as a blog or podcast.
The point is don’t have all of your eggs in one basket. Look into other platforms/channels and see what would make sense to also use for your business. Hopefully, the platform you are on will continue to work for your business for years to come, but if it doesn’t then at least you’ll have reduced the impact it will have on your business.
Not sure what other channels to use? This blog post will help ‘How to choose the right marketing channels for your business’.
Marketing prediction 4: Live video will become increasingly valuable
As AI writes more content the trust behind written content will decrease. As a result, using video and audio will be important, especially live video. AI can make a script that you read for a podcast or recorded video. Live video is the true test of whether someone truly knows what they are talking about
Why this is important for you as a business owner: If you aren’t using live video yet then this is a trend to not ignore in 2023. Creating live videos is an option on the majority of social media platforms so it shouldn’t mean you have to start marketing your business somewhere else. Instead, the focus should be on including live video in your content mix on the platforms you are already utilising. To really maximise the reach of your live videos you might consider live streaming across multiple platforms simultaneously using software such as StreamYard.
Marketing prediction 5: A bigger focus on using email marketing
Email marketing has always been a powerful marketing tool for businesses, but has often been an underutilised tool amongst small businesses. However, with the reach on social media platforms decreasing, more users trying to limit their social media usage and with business owners getting fed up of being stuck on the constant hamster wheel of creating content diversification will lead more business owners taking email marketing seriously,
Why this is important for you as a business owner: Email marketing is a great tool for businesses small and large. If you have already have a list then this is a sign to show your list some extra love. And if you don’t have a list yet now is the time to start. Email marketing offers a great return on investment. Many business owners find writing emails much quicker than creating other pieces of content. And because people are used to buying from emails it is great as a sales-generating tool. So it is a win-win for you. You are able to make something in less time that has the potential to generate more sales. And that is without even getting AI involved.
That’s it! You now know my 2023 marketing predictions for small business owners.
None of us can know with certainty what the future will bring, but paying attention to trends is important to ensure you don’t get left behind. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this blog post and it has got you thinking about how you’ll market your business in 2023.
Let me know in the comments what you’ll do differently with your marketing in 2023 as a result of reading this blog post
Start Strong will help you improve your content in all forms – social, email and long form (podcast, blog or video). Start Strong It is an intimate group accelerator for business owners who are serious about using content as an efficient and effective way to market their business. I’ll give you everything you need to be strategic and consistent with your content. Find out more and join by clicking here.
Prefer working one-to-one? You can check out my services here. |